chapter 38

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*Jimins pov* *rewind*
I sat there starring at the girl acrossed from me as she spoke. She was beautiful. Her long brown hair, dark brown eyes, long slender legs and charming smile.. She would have attracted any other man. But not me.
Granted no woman seems to be attractive to me anymore.
She is just the one that my dad wants me to date.
Her name is yi-chi. She is a nice girl. She's easy to talk to, understanding, and bright, and very good at hiding her wild side. But even when I try, I'm just not attracted to her.
Of course she doesn't know that. We've only been together a short while, but she believes we're meant to be, not that I've given her any reason to think other wise.
Perhaps she is who I'll stay with. I could learn to care for her.
The truth is, is that I just don't care about anything to do with "running into the sunset". It means nothing to me.
Tonight is supposed to be some important dinner for the two of us. Something about a one month anniversary? Silliest thing Ive ever heard.
"oppa" she blushed "thank you for taking me to this restaurant, I hope it's not to expensive"
I cracked a smile "of course not"
Its clear what she wants. She doesn't care about the anniversary. Her skimpy dress, and unavoidable need to touch me constantly tells me just what she wants. Of course I'll give it to her. It'll mean nothing to me, but these days Ive felt to numb to anything to care.
We ate our dinner, chatting about whatever randoms she wanted to discuss. Most of it i chimmed out everything she was saying, giving the occasional smile and nod so that she wouldn't notice.
Perhaps I should have payed more attention though, because before long it was time for us to leave.
I followed her back to her place. Its just a small apartment not far from the news paper that she worked at. Although currently it was a tad messy, it was nice enough.
Before long we were sitting on her couch drinking glasses of wine while her hands roamed all over me.
I tried to pay attention. But something was itching at the back of my mind.
Without realizing I began staring at the glass of wine in my hand and that's when it clicked.
This reminded me of skylar
"why don't we take a shower together" Yi-Chi whispered in my ear.
Anger swelled up inside of me, along with images of Skylar's face.
I turned to look at Yi-Chi and slammed my lips into hers. I can't think of her. Why do I always think of her.
Not tonight. Tonight I will think about only myself.
I pushed Yi-Chi to the couch and began removing her dress
A few days past from then. I've been avoiding Yi-Chi with the excuse of work. It isn't a complete lie, but it isn't the truth either. The truth is i just don't want to spend time with her. Anything to do with relationships reminds me of Skylar, Just when I thought I was beginning to get over her.
Why did she do this to me... It's only getting worse..
My father, being an innocent who Just doesn't know, has sent me to her division. It's only temporary thankfully, however I will be spending four days stuck in a cabin looking over her filming. Isn't that what Hyun-ki is for?
Ugh. Whatever.
I began slowly packing, making sure to grab all of my warmest clothes since its cold, and snowy where we have to go.
I need closure from Skylar. As much as I refuse to admit it out loud.. I still care about her, and want her to be happy...
I looked up at my TV, where they were discussing the latest celebrity gossip. I can't believe anyone cares about this?
Then his face appeared
I reached for my remote and turned it up
"big music star, Rap monster, has been spotted once again on a possible date with the foreign actress that we all know and love from the many dramas, commercials, and most recently, music videos, that she's been in. This is the third time they have been spotted this month, making everyone wonder just what's going on. Are they dating? If they are why not come forward?"
I shook my head. Great.
Then the thought occurred to me. I need closure.
I grabbed my phone and texted Hyun-ki *i need you to get rap monster's number from Skylar's phone. Don't ask questions*
It took until the next day, but I finally got the reply i had been waiting for.
*don't start any trouble Jimin, 8512574586*
I immediately called the number
"hello?" i heard him speak
"hi, it's me Jimin. You and I need to talk. If your free, I know a place we can go, tonight."
He was reluctant at first but then agreed.
I'm not sure what exactly I was thinking when I pulled up to that small restaurant with him. I wondered what he was thinking, it was hard to tell from his constant slight grin.
Walking in i was recognized by the waiter, since this is the same place Hyun-ki used to take me and Skylar out too. She lead us back to the back side of the restaurant where we could have some privacy.
There was only one other group back here, but I paid no mind to them as we took our seats.
"let's cut to the chase, what is this about?" he asked the moment we were sitting, not even giving time for the waitress to leave
"I'll go check on some of the other guests and give you two some time" she smiled, probably sensing the tension.
I took a deep breath "i wanted to talk about Skylar"
He looked at me confused.
Out of the corner of my ear I could hear a woman's voice getting louder. I paid no mind to it and tried concentrating
"i want to talk about you two together."
"and?" he asked puzzled
The woman's voice got louder
"I. I want to say please take-"
"I miss him.. I miss him so much!" the woman yelled and we were both forced to look. It was Skylar. She was crying
"I hate him for not giving me a chance to explain. For not trusting and knowing me well enough to know that I was his. To know I would have never broken his trust. That I love him. I regret ever starting anything with Namjoon.. He is a good guy.. He perfect... And maybe if Jimin and I never would have dated he and I would have been perfect.. But I love Jimin... And I can't let him go... And I hate myself for it..."
My jaw dropped.
She looked over at us a moment later, completely shocked as well.
She ran out of the restaurant crying and I looked over at Namjoon. His eyes were red, and you could see the anger swelling up inside of him
"is that why you brought me here!" he yelled at me "is this you twos version of a sick joke?"
He stood up to leave but I grabbed his arm "wait, I didn't know she was going to be here or say that. I brought you here to tell you to make her happy"
He laughed "bullshit" then yanked himself away from my grasp and stomped out.
I slumped back down into my seat. What did she just say? She still loves me? She didn't cheat?

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