chapter31: let's go shopping, when a stranger calls

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I suddenly shot awake and looked around. I was in my apartment laying on my couch in last night's clothing.
For a moment I couldn't remember what had happened, but then memories of last night flooded in. After eating we had all went out to Hongdae and spent the night bar hopping, and clubbing. It was a great night.
That's when it dawned on me that someone else was supposed to be in here with me.
I stood up slowly and walked up the stairs to my room to find Hyuna passed out on my bed.
I laughted. That girl is crazy.
I walked back to my kitchen and looked at my clock
Good thing I woke up, I have to be at a shoot by 10:30.
I jumped in the shower and got ready, ordering two take outs of hangover soup.
I decided to text Namjoon
*thank you for taking us home*
Moments later I got a reply, almost like he had been waiting *no problem, hope you feel okay, I promise next time, you don't have to drink. I don't want you thinking that's all me and my friends do ㅋㅋ i hope they didn't make you uncomfortable, Hyuna is.. Different*
*i had a lot of fun* i started to type then it dawned on me he said next time... I smiled.. *hyuna is crazy but I like her, I like all your friends ㅋㅋwhat are we going to do next time?*
There was a pause *since I showed you what I love, why don't you show me something you love?*
I smiled *it's a deal, i have go get going, have a good day oppa* i felt like such a child with my butterflies
The soup got here just on time. I woke up Hyuna and gave her clothes.
"i have to leave for work" i told her "you can borrow these clothes, make yourself at home to whatever you like." i smiled "just if you leave, lock the door behind you, Ill trust you with that, I'm leaving first"
"wait! Foreigner!" she yelled and laughed "you promised to go shopping with me!"
Wow, she remembers that?
"when are you done with work? I'm empty today"
I laughed "I'm not sure, I guess whenever we're done shooting, probably not until at least 6"
"perfect! It'll give me time to nurse this hangover." she laughed
"well I'll call you, you can stay here if you want"
She smiled "your the best!"
I laughed and left. She was crazy, but exciting, and I liked it.
I met my manager and drove to the set.
For now we were only prepping one last time with lines, and shooting the intro, and only a scene or two of how the characters meet, to get in the groove of things.
It felt cool being in the military uniform. This was also the first time I've ever done any kind of stunts so I had to learn a few tricks, though they came with a bruise or two.
Kim Hyun Joong is just as friendly as I remembered and it wasn't hard acting natural with him both on and off set.
The director was a stern but kind enough man, I could tell we were going to be very busy quick though.
Before long it was time to go to an early company dinner. There mandatory but I felt bad leaving Hyuna.
*I'll be done soon, >_*good, I'm still at your place.... Sorry ^o^ i fell asleep and didnt wake up.... Just meet here?*
*ㅋㅋㅋㅋ okay!*
"come on drink with us!" Kim Hyun Joong joked
I shook my head "sorry, I'm meeting someone after and can't" i explained
"what? Why?"
"i promised I'd go shopping with them" i smiled
"Ooo must be your boyfriend" he laughed
My eyes grew big "what no no no! It's just a friend!"
"sure, that's what everyone says!" i knew he was just joking but for some reason Namjoon popped in my head
"well here, if you have one drink, I'll make an excuse so you can leave early" he smiled
I smiled "alright"
I took a quick shot then soon after left.
Hyuna opened my door for me which was a little strange, but alright. I grabbed some things then we took off for the shopping center.
"your so cute" she said randomly "like a mom"
I laughed "what does that mean?"
She thought for a minute and was going to say something but was interrupted by my ringtone
Looking at my phone i didn't recognize the number.
"answer it" she told me
I held the phone to my ear
"he he even though your talking how I can't understand, it's so nice to hear your voice" a clearly drunk man said in perfect English in my ear.
"umm.. Who is this?" i said feeling uncomfortable
"it's me, when do you come back?"
"i think you have the wrong number?"
"Skylar? I know you, I miss you, I still love you!"
I felt weird
"he loves you?" Hyuna asked her ear to the side of my phone "is that what he said? I don't understand English well?"
"who is this" i said angrily
"it's me Theo, how can you not recognize my voice!" he sighed "please come back and be my girlfriend again"
"what girlfriend?" Hyuna looked shocked
Anger filled me "Theo. We're done. I don't know how you got this number but don't call again. Bye." i hung up
"what was that about" Hyuna asked
I looked down "an ex boyfriend that can't move on"
"Ooooh! Let's get coffee" she smiled
Her response would have made me laugh under different circumstances.
We came to a small cafe and got some tea and sat in the far corner
"so spill it!" she looked at me hungrily "when did you break up? Is that why you won't make Namjoon your boyfriend?"
I shook my head "we broke up years ago, before I came to Korea, he has nothing to do with Namjoon, he's just a little obsessive and hasn't moved on yet"
She nodded "wow, you get boys to love you for years, why'd you break up?"
"it's a long story, Truethfully I don't like talking about it, but it doesn't matter anymore, he's just creepy at this point" i tried joking
She smiled and leaned in closer "so why aren't you with my Namjoon? Is there another boy?"
My eyes grew wide
"I'm just kidding" she laughed but then looked at me "wait. Is there?"
I shook my head "Namjoon's the only one I'm seeing"
She studied my face making be feel guilty for no reason
"but you have feelings for someone else"
I felt bombarded. "what?"
"come on tell me!"
I shook my head
"ha! You didn't deny it, I can tell" she pressed
I felt even more pressured
"is that why you just moved to a new place? Wait is it a stalker?"
"no! He's not! We broke up a long time ago and I just wanted to feel new and not remember it!" i suddenly spat out
She smiled and sat back "aaah i see" she took a sip and thought for a moment.
I felt so stupid! Why did I say that? Why did I feel guilty? Did I mean what I said?
"you need a new look" she suddenly said.
"you said you wanted to forget, a new chapter. That means a new you. Make over"
I laughed. She's crazy
"come on."
She drug me out of the cafe "come on, I know just what Namjoon likes! Leather pants and converse!"
"what?" I was so confused and flustered.
Soon I was lead to a very edgy and hipster-store that I'd never seen before and an uneasy feeling came over me.
She forced me inside and started throwing way to revealing of clothing at me
After a few short moments i couldn't take it
She stopped and looked at me innocently
"what are you doing? I can't wear this? I told you something personal so this is how you interpret it?"
She looked down and sat down on one of the stacks of pants on a shelf "I'm sorry"
I suddenly felt bad for saying anything
"it's just..." she started "im not very good at helping others with their problems.. But I want to help. Namjoon is a friend and it'd be nice if I could become close with an actual girl... If you guys don't work outwe can't be friends... And whenever I feel upset clothes help me.... But.. I just thought that it sounded like you were trying to start a new.. Namjoon got mad at me last night because we were drinking and he said your not a party girl, but last night out looked like that's exactly where you wanted to be.. I just thought you were trying to be the new you, and take some risks be a little crazy, I'm the queen of risks and crazy!..."
I laughed. To a degree she was right.... I hadn't thought of it until now but... With Jimin gone, everything is a reminder of him.. and up until my time with namjoon and his friends Ive just felt like crap over the whole thing. I do want to try new things and be crazy, a new me wouldn't be bad.
I sighed and set the piles of clothes down and looked at her "noona, you are the queen of crazy, that's for sure" she laughed "you and i bring friends, doesn't depend on me and Namjoon. We can be friends no matter what, and right that I do want to be a little crazy, have fun, but shorts smaller then some of my underwear and tops the size of a bra, isn't what I was thinking..."
She laughed again and pulled me into a tight hug "what about the leather pants though?"
I laughed "i liked those, I don't lie"
We spent the next couple of hours picking out clothes. It was nice to be out with a friend.
We were stopped by a few fans and took some pictures, but after the attention grew we decided it was time to leave and got in a cab. She was dropped off first at her apartment. I gave her a hug and said my goodbye. It was very obvious she didn't have many friends she could talk to. I hope I can be that person for her, she's crazy but awesome.
Soon after i walked through my door, I got a text.
It was from Namjoon
*it's the first snow of the year! Keep warm ^_^*
I smiled and looked outside i hadn't noticed the few droplets of snow
I got another text
*... When are we going to go out again?..*
I giggled *i have to look at my schedule, I'm busy with filming*
*ooo... Okay... Don't keep me waiting ^_^ what are we going to do?*
I thought. Truthfully I had wanted to take him fishing, and hiking. I had just always loved going and haven't been able to for a long while, but I'm worried or would be boring, and if it's snowing we might not be able to
*I'll have to think oppa... We'll see what the weather is*
*okay ㅋㅋㅋ^_^ .... I like when you call me oppa...*
I laughed *goodnight ㅋㅋㅋ*
After that I went to bed

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