chapter 22: unexpected

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In that moment my whole world collapsed. I was helpless. I was lost. I was broken.
Three days had passed and even though he had told me not to call, I tried every night.. But only ever got voicemail.
I tried finding him at school but Im not even sure he was going....
I fell behind on school a little, and my sister and the rest of my family were worried about me.
After five days they tried taking me to the hot springs in the next town over, to cheer me up but it didn't work. I tried to act happy but they could see right through it.
I called again on the sixth night.. And the number had been disconnected...
What am I supposed to do...
I was sitting in my room on my bed when someone rang my door bell.
I slowly made my way there, unsure or who it could be but also not caring
When I opened the door the face on the other side discusted me.
It was Theo
"hey" he said
"what do you want I'm busy " I said
"you've seemed upset I just wanted to check on you"
"thanks, but I'm fine. Please leave"
"are you sure" he insisted "id love to talk about it with you if it'll help"
Anger swelled up inside of me, along with then hurt I was going through and I just burst "go away Theo! I don't need or want your help! I just want to be left alone!" I slammed the door in his face and went to bed.
I woke up at around 3am unable to sleep.
I sat up and looked around realizing that my phone was beeping a green light to indicate I had a message.
When I opened it it was a picture from Namjoon.
The captain read hey! I know your probably asleep, but just thought I'd check up on you and say I'm looking forward to seeing you in a few days! And I'm sorry about the headlines... I wish one would have seen them earlier but don't worry about them my manager is working to get them straightened out. I hope they make you feel awkward around me. Bye!
I had forgot that I needed to leave to Korea in just two days.
Truthfully there was a part of me that wanted to be angry at Namjoon for this, but I know it's not his fault... So I can't be angry...
I decided to see if my manager was awake
Ring ring ring
Finally he answered
"hey" I responded
"are you calling about your flight? Did you get the tickets? I emailed them."
"Im checking right now, actually I'm calling to ask about something else..."
"what is it?"
"next semester is coming up. Could you look into transfering all my classes to online?"
"what! why? "
"I want to switch to online so I can come home." I whispered
He was quiet for a moment "I'll look into it" I could tell from his voice that he knew something was wrong but knew not to ask.
The next day after school I did laundry all night so I would have some clean clothes to take with me.
The day after that I packed and cleaned then late at night drove a rental to the airport to board my plane early that morning.
When I stepped off the plane I was attacked by fans like before only this time they had a few more questions about my relationship with Namjoon.
I ignored them and got in the van with my manager.
"I talked to your school. You can do most of your classes online but with have to do tests in person" he sighed
I nodded "thank you"
"want to tell me what's going on ?"
I shook my head
"is Jimin going online as well?"
I shrugged. Like I knew.
It was quiet the rest of the ride.
It was midday and he dropped me off at my place and told me to be ready early in the morning. I dropped my stuff off then sat on my couch feeling empty.
I heard my phone go off and looking at it it was just my sister checking on me. After texting her back I realized I never responded to Namjoon.
I opened his message again and wrote: hey, sorry I didn't respond earlier. Don't worry about the rumors their not your fault.

A few minutes he responded
Don't worry about it, but thanks for the understanding. did you already make it into town?

Yeah I did, just made it to my apartment

That's good, so did everything go well with what you were worried about?

I thought about what to respond then decided to be honest he broke up with me...

Almost instantly he responded what? I'm so sorry... Are you okay?

A tear rolled off my face yeah I'm fine...

After that I didn't get a response. I began to cry heavily to myself.
I miss Jimin...
After about 15 minutes I got a ring on my door bell.
I wipped my eyes and stood up and when I opened the door I was greeted by Namjoon's face.
"what are you doing here?" I asked confused
He held up a bag "I thought ice cream would help.. That's what girls like when their upset right?"
I laughed. Why was he being so caring?
"can I come in?" he asked and I nodded.
I grabbed two spoons and we started eating the bucket of ice cream together.
"thank you, you didn't have to do this" I told him
"yes I did" he spoke softly
"what makes you think that?"
He paused and looked at me with short blank expression, then reached down into the ice cream with his finger and quickly smeared some on my face
"hey!" I yelled confused "why did you do that?"
He laughed "because I wanted to"
I whipped it away and tried to stay angry but instead started laughing
"here, stand up" he said pulling me with him as he got up
"why?" I asked
"go get dressed, let's go someplace"
"why? where? "
"don't ask, I'll be back in 30 minutes and you better be ready" he smiled and then got his things and left

At first I wasn't sure if he was serious or not, but decided that should get dressed just incase. But get dressed for what exactly?
I decided to play it safe and pull on a blue body con dress with some tan heels, some light gold jewelry, and an off-white lace, thin, cardigan.
I just left my hair as is and touched up my makeup. About that time I heard him knocking on the front door
"great! Your ready!" he said smiling when I opened the door "a little more fancy than I meam though"
"where are we going? Should I change?"
"no! You look great, just you have shorts under that right?"
He was confusing me more and more by the minute "y-yeah?"
"okay" he grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs.
When we got down there he told me to wait for a minute then disappeared around the corner. What is he up to?
When he came back around the corner he didn't come alone. With him was a two person bike.
"what the?" I asked confused
"come on, it'll do you no good to sit and mope. Getting out and exercising, will help you a lot more"
I hesitated. I felt guilty about wanting to get on the bike with him... Jimin wouldn't like it... I miss Jimin.... I want him...
"come on" Namjoon said almost as if he knew what I was thinking about "I know your hurting, but getting out might give you a clear mind. That way you can come back and look at things smartly so you can fix it. "
He was right...
I got on the bike careful to not flash to much.
He turned around and handed me a mask "hopefully this time itll work"
I laughed and put it on.
We rode the bike a little bit out of town. Talking back and forth about anything to keep my mind busy. We rode it up a small mountain, which proved to be steeper than we originally anticipated, and stopped at the top to get drinks. Namjoon took my picture and I took his. We laughed at our funny faces and stopped for a while to rest.
It was nice being around him. We joked like we've known each other for years, and yet I barely know him.
"that hill just about killed me" he joked
"hill?" I said sarcastically "I don't think that was a hill, more like a whole mountain"
"why are you complaining? Don't think I didn't notice when you stopped paddling leaving me to do all the work"
"what? If anything your the one who was slacking off!"
We both laughed
"okay maybe I did slack a little" he said then lightly nudged my shoulder with his.
I laughed again "thank you for getting me out of the house"
He nodded "did it help?"
I nodded "I haven't thought about anything bad all day"
He smiled. It was the first time I'd noticed that he had cute dimples on the side of his mouth.
Wait. Did I just say cute? What's wrong with me? Why is my heart beating quickly all of a sudden?
"I'm glad to hear that" he seemed to he thinking "you know if you want to talk about it, I'd love to help"
I sighed "I don't know how you could help"
"well, maybe just talking about it will help, when's the last time you two talked?"
I thought "umm it was about two and a half weeks when he officially said we're done, and now it's been about two weeks already so.... About a month..."
He sighed and thought about it "have you tried reaching out to him?"
"I tried calling him once every night until he disconnected his phone... I've tried seeing him at school but, either he's not going or he's really good at avoiding me.. "
"wow..." he quiet "you know... I don't mean this to hurt your feelings or anything but.. Maybe it means you should move on...."
I decided to change the subject, not wanting to think about that "so why did you do all this for me?"
He scratched the back of his head clearly uncomfortable "I.... I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable.. Or awkward around me..."
I looked at him confused
"I... Please just don't freak out, just forget I said anything... But... I don't like seeing you upset because... I really like you..."

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