chapter 21: help from strangers

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We drove to the outskirts of town to a small warehouse type of building and got out.
they were in the middle of decorating the inside to match the theme of the mv, although currently I wasn't sure what that theme is yet. My manager was there waiting for me and was busy working away as usual.
They showed us where everything was, and introduced me to a few people. I was shown where my wardrobe was, and taken through the layout of the mv
Soon I realized the mv had a similar feel as his "do you" mixed with the feel of "I need you girl" music video did and began to love it. The song had a catchy flow, and like most of his music, a heart felt message behind it. It was about liking someone but them not being within your reach and feeling like they wouldn't like you because they'd think your a monster because of who you are, but all you want is their love.
It really hit home with everything that was going on with me and Jimin right how... I still haven't heard from him...
After everything was done Namjoon and some others from his company invited me to a dinner and I politely agreed.
We went to a small restaurant just down the road and combined together a few tables to make a giant long one for us all to sit. I sat at the far end with Namjoon at the very corner next to me.
Namjoon is a very easy going person. He's someone that makes everyone feel comfortable and like they belong. It really was a breath of fresh air after had been surrounded by people that do quiet the opposite for the last few months.
We all talked and joked as a group while eating and maybe helping ourselves to a few drinks. It was nice to loosen up.
"so Skylar" he said pouring me a drink of Soju "I didn't get a chance to ask you how you've been doing while in America"
I began politely pouring his drink back. Of course his question made me think of Jimin...
"it's been good to be back with family" I wasn't lying, but not telling the whole truth either
He nodded strangely "having any troubles with your classes?"
"no not really, theres really not much to say about all of it to be honest, it's actually boring" I joked
"I don't think anything to do with you is boring" he smiled and I laughed a little then we both downed our shots
"are you sure there's nothing you want to talk about?" he asked
I looked at him confused "what do you mean?"
He sighed "it just seems like there's been something bothering you all day, is all"
I shook my head in denial "oh, no, im sorry"
"why are you sorry? Don't be. I just wanted to make sure you were okay"
I nodded and looked down. Namjoon leaned in a little closer and whispered "are you sure there's nothing wrong? Like maybe boy problems?"
I looked at him confused. How did he know?
I could tell that he took my expression as a yes.
He turned back to the rest of the table "well, we're leaving first"
The drunken table didn't object or ask questions and just nodded and went back to their disoriented conversations.
He stood up dragging me with him and out the door.
"where are we going?" I asked
"you look like you need some air, so let's just go on a walk"
We walked down the street a little in silence. I wondered how he knew that it was boy troubles? Was it just a lucky guess?
I looked up at him, and began to feel guilty... Jimin would be so angry if he knew I was out with Namjoon... Even if it is just as friends or whatever....
"your dating that Jimin guy aren't you?" Namjoon suddenly said "Jhope's brother?"
My eyes grew wide "how... How did you?"
"just a lucky guess" he cut me off and smiled "don't worry your secret is safe with me"
I felt dumbfounded and at a loss of words..
"I take it you guys are fighting over something?"
For some reason, maybe its just because he already knows we're dating, I felt comfortable enough to talk to him.
"yeah.. We're fighting.. And it's my fault.."
"why is it your fault?" he asked. I could tell from the tone in his voice that he truly was concerned
"I kept a secret from him... And he found out from someone else" a tear rolled down my cheek
"it can't be that bad" he reassured "I'm sure he is just a little upset but will be happy to see to you when you go back, and you guys can talk about it and move on"
"we haven't talked in two weeks..." I suddenly spat out
"oh...." he responded looking down "I'm.. I'm sorry"
I didn't mean to but I started to cry heavily "it's my fault, if I just would have told him a long time ago none of this would be happening..."
He put his hand on my shoulder gently and turned me to look at him "don't cry... You probably didn't tell him for a good reason.. It seems like whatever it is hurts you a lot.. Just give it time. If he's understanding he'll come around."
I nodded.
He looked around us uncomfortably. I was going to look around to see what he was looking at but before I could he pulled me into a tight hug.
I didn't know what to do. It was so sudden and random that I was taken back... But after a moment I felt relieved to have someone holding me... Someone saying it'll be okay.
Id kept everything to myself, not having any help from anyone around me, so suddenly having someone there made me feel complete again for a split second.
After a moment Namjoon pulled away and looked at me "wait here"
He then walked behind me. I stayed there and only moments later he came back with two black things in his hands. They were surgical masks. He took one out of its plastic packaging and put it on his face. Then he took the others and reached out like he was handing it to me. Before I could take it he pulled away and I looked at him confused. Then he started wrapping it around my face for me.
"just incase anyone recognizes us."
I smiled even tho he couldn't see it.
After that we talked a little bit more, and he continued to reassure me. We got some fried squid from a little store and talked about his music and my career. Eventually we made our way back to my apartment.
"here's my place" I said as we stepped infront of my front door
He nodded "yeah, I remembered"
"thank you" I said
"for what? "
"walking me here, and listening to me ramble"
He smiled "your welcome, and thank you for listening to me ramble"
I laughed and opened my door.
I waved behind me then went inside.

It was weird being back here. The place was awkwardly empty feeling but yet Jimins presence was still there. Maybe it's because of all the memories we have in this little apartment, or maybe it's because now that I'm alone it gives me more time to think about him...
I took a bath and went to bed trying not to think about the bad, and focus on the good.

The next morning I woke up early and got dressed then was picked up by my manager and taken to where we were going to shoot the music video
Most everything was ready to go and today was simply a test day.
I spent the first thirty minutes being ran through the basics of everything again, before then having to sit down and have them pull at my hair and apply a bunch of makeup.
By the time all that was done it was time for lunch and I had to be extra careful not to get anything on my clothes.
After that we were going to finish the day with a photo shoot. I got to sit and watch them take Namjoon's photo which was strangely fun. He was really good at what he does and when it came time for our photos together he gave me a few pointers. Some of the photos were more intimate and even though this wasn't the first photo shoot like this that I'd taken, for some reason it made me feel awkward when he put his hands on me or when we were close together.
After I had to go back to My companies building to handle some things. I ran into Jhope briefly and it seemed like he hadn't talked to Jimin because he acted completely normal. We didn't have time to really catch up or anything but at least it was nice to see his smiling goofy face.
I went to dinner with my manager and then went to bed.
The next day was time for official shooting of the music video. After sitting for 30 minutes for them to do my hair and makeup it was finally time and we dove right into it.
For obvious reasons Namjoon had a lot more shooting to do but when it was time for me, I felt rusty and awkward. I guess it's been longer than I thought since I did anything like this.
"hey" Namjoon whispered in my ear inbetween takes
I looked back at him
"first music video right?"
I nodded
He put his hand on my shoulder "don't be so nervous, I've seen you act your age natural, just calm down and don't think to much. Try to relate to the music as personally as you can and it'll help"
I smiled and nodded I'm thanks for the advice
Take after take after take it was finally done.
"and that's a wrap, good job everyone" the director said.
"and word from him?" Namjoon asked on our way out.
I shook my head
He sighed "I'm sorry..."
I shrugged unsure how to respond
"uugh don't worry about it" he smiled "he'll be waiting for you when you get back home I promise"
I smiled "thank you Namjoon "
He nodded "well, if you ever need to you can give me a call, and keep me posted. When you come back for touch ups next week I expect to hear that you two are happy"
"touch ups?" I asked confused
"oh, maybe ur manager hadn't said anything about it. You'll have to come back for small touch-ups it always happens. They'll use this for the trailer and most of it for the official video, but then they always need a little more for it. Plus, I'd like your input on the final product before its released" he smiled
"okay, I'll see you then" I smiled and we waved goodbye
Late that night I caught my long flight back home.
Once again my sister picked me up and drove me to my place.
I went to open the door and as soon as it cracked open I could see Jimins shoes on the floor. Thoughts of what Namjoon said popped in my head.
He'll be waiting for you when you get home
I got excited and burst through the door looking.
There he was. Sitting on my bed holding a tablet
I didn't know what to say
"have a good trip?" he asked nonsclauntly
"yeah, sure" I said quickly "how have you been"
He looked up at me emotionless "yeah. Seems like your trip was fun"
He turned the tablet around and it was on a news article
The headline read Superstar and rapper Kim Namjoon spotted on a date with the famous actress Skylar May!
I looked at him shocked. What's going on?
He scrolled down to a picture of Namjoon and I hugging
He scoffed
"no Jimin its not what it looks like!" I tried to explain
He shook his head "don't even try Skylar." he stood up and walked to the door "we're done. Don't call me."

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