chapter 38

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* skaylars pov
I ran out.. what am i supposed to do.. the look on namjoons face... the look on jimins face.... I couldn't of messed up any worse than this if I tried...
I had no idea what to do, or where to go.
My mind was in a jumble.
What's wrong with me.
Pretty soon I found myself in a familiar park. I'd been here a few times with hyun-ki and Jimin..
I sat down on a bench and just went numb.
I don't know what to do.
"Skylar!" I thought I heard someone yell
"Skylar!" I heard it again
I looked up and looked around for the source of the yelling.
In a distance I could see hyun-ki looking for me.
I didn't say anything at first, but then I didn't have to because he spotted me.
He walked up and sat down besides me.
He put one fatherly arm around my shoulder and just held me for a moment.
I wanted to cry. But how I felt went beyond crying..
"I think it's time you came over to my place and had dinner. For old times sake" hyun ki said happily.
I knew he just didnt want me to be alone but it sounded like the nicest thing right now.
When I was in my rookie days I used to have dinner at his place quite often. Maybe it would be nice to do something I used to do before all this. Before Jimin and namjoon ever really came into the picture.
We stood up and left.
It was a quiet drive to his place.
When we walked through his front door we were greeted by his wife and adorable 5 year old daughter.
They welcomed me in like family.
We didn't actually eat since we were full from the resturaunt but instead talked as a family while his wife and daughter finished theyre dinner. I hadn't realized how much I missed the feeling of being surrounded by people I'm this close with.
We all talked about random happy things. They were clearly being careful to not bring up anything that could possibly relate back to Jimin or Namjoon.
After dinner i played build a blocks with his daughter for a while when hyunki more so told rather than asked me to stay there tonight. It was nice seeing how much he cared.
Soon they had gone to bed and I was left on the couch watching tv by myself.
I wasn't really interested or paying attention to it. Instead I was staring into nothing, feeling numb with hurt. Feeling ashamed at the mess I've created.
I was jolted out of my thoughts by the sound of my phone ringing.
I didn't want it to wake up anyone so I panicked and answered it, walking out onto the balcony so no one would be disturbed
"Hello" I said, still not checking to see who it was.
No answer
"Hello? "I said again confused
"I can't believe you answered" a males voice replied in English "I've been trying so hard to get ahold of you, you have no idea the trouble I've gone through"
"Who is this?" I asked
I heard sniffling "it's me theo"
I went ice cold. It was Theo
"I love you so much. I miss you. I just want to talk to you. For us to be friends. I know you have a boyfriend but... I just want you to see that I'm the one your supposed to be with. Just hear me out"
Anger started to boil inside of me
"I know last time I didn't treat you the way I should have. But I've changed. I've been trying to show you that. That's why I keep calling. I'm proving to you I'm not the same anymore. I'll never leave you. Please come back. I know you still care about me too. "
I lost it "fuck you. Stop calling. Are you really this stupid, or psycodic? I don't want to be with you. I dont know how many times this has to be said. We are done. We've been done for a long time. Your delusional if you think I still have feelings for you. You didn't just treat me badly last time, you took our relationship and ran it into the ground. Now it's burried. It's dead. There's nothing. Now live with it and get over it. You haven't been proving to me you've changed you've been proving to me your even more of a lunitic than I thought. Stop theo. Just stop. All you've ever done is ruin my life. Please stop tourchering me and yourself." I hung up.
I want back inside after that, even more upset, and went to sleep on hyunki's couch.

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