chapter 24

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*kinda a boring chapter but it's just a filler, I'm already working on the next one so be patient

Three days went by since the music video. I had been avoiding Namjoon ever since then, but both him and Jimin were constantly on my mind. I still missed Jimin all the time... And I didn't understand why Namjoon was always in the back of my mind...
I had, had a few interviews in the past few days and one game show. It felt good to be back at work. I was soon going to be leaving back to the US but I had already planned that I'm switching to online and coming back.
I need change in my life..
I'm in the middle of selling my apartment, and have been staying at a hotel while I looked for a new one. I just couldn't stand going home to constant reminders of Jimin...
I tried emailing him a few times.. Asking how he's been... But as expected no response....

I packed up the last of my things and drove to the airport. Fans were there to watch me depart which gave me a little bit of happiness. Even though they didn't know what was going on, it still felt as if they were there pushing me along saying it'll be okay.
My flight was long and painful. I tried to sleep but I still had the same strange dreams.
My sister picked me up from the airport and drove me to my parents house. I told everyone that I was leaving and they cried a lot, but told me they understood, probably since I'd been acting so depressed lately.
We had a big family dinner and for a moment I forgot about everything and was simply happy. I felt like a kid again. After my younger siblings and I went to the lake and went night fishing together like old times.
I wished I would have been able to go with Jimin and do this. Fishing has always been one of my favorite things. It's just relaxing.

A few more days past and it was the last day I had in that school. Today was the day that I had to go in and sign a few papers to switch to online. After that it would be time for me to leave..
I walked down the hallway to the office. The hallway felt strange knowing it was the last time I'll be here.
I was about to reach for the door handle when the door opened by itself.
From the other side of it emerged a face that broke my heart.
We stared at eachother awkwardly for a moment. It was the first time I'd seen him since the break up... I searched in his face for any ounce of care or love but found none...
He looked at me like I was nothing... Then just like that he casually walked away like I was just another person..
It really is over...
I wanted to cry but had to suck it in while I went inside to fill out the papers.
After that it was all done and finalized. It was time for me to leave.
My sister and I drove to the airport together. Seems like here lately I've been here a lot. She had decided to come with me for just a few days, like she had always wanted to. I was glad to have someone close to me.
She wasn't to excited about flying though. My little sister is beyond scared of hights, which made for a long flight filled with trying to keep her calm.
At least I didn't have time to think, that was until she asked to many questions and I had to explain everything between me and Jimin to her...
When we arrived in Korea Hyun-ki and my fans were there. My sister was very taken back by the millions of camera flashes and covered her face embarrassed. Just to make things worse for her I stuck around for a while to sign autographs and take pictures.
She wasn't impressed
After a short while Hyun-ki dragged me out and into the Tahoe.
"that wasn't okay!" she argued with me
I laughed "it was so funny though"
She pushed me lightly
"it's very nice to officially meet you" Hyun-ki interrupted
She awkwardly bowed trying to be polite "it's nice to meet you too"
"Skylar, I found a few places like you asked, and have scheduled for you to go and look at them tomorrow. For tonight I got you a two bedroom apartment"
I nodded while listening
"why are you looking at new places?" Jackson asked
I looked at her "oh right, I'm moving out of my old place, I sold it"
"why?" she asked
"old place had to many memories" I said quietly
She said nothing but I could tell she understood
"that's the other thing." Hyun-ki spoke up clearly feeling awkward "well..... Hoseok wants to have dinner with you tonight at the hotel..."
I remained quiet
"he knows you guys broke up and wants to talk to you... He didn't say what about..."
Worry filled my stomach.. I hoped that this didn't mean I was going to loose a good friend...
I took my sister on a brief tour of my companies building when we arrived. She was impressed and fascinated with it all and whenever I introduced her to someone she did her best to practice her korean.
After that we went on a brief shopping spree on our way walking to the hotel. She took pictures every five seconds clearly trying to preserve every memory.
After grabbing the hotel keys and dropping off our stuff in our room I decided to get dressed for dinner
"I'm sorry you have to stay in here" I told Jackson as she played on her phone on her bed
"it's okay, I know it's for the best" she smiled "but I am going to try out that take out McDonald's I hear about. Wonder if they deliver faster than Pizza Hut"
I laughed and took one last look in the mirror before heading downstairs.
I saw him just as I came around the corner. He was sitting at a small round table in the middle of the restaurant.
I hesitated... What is Hoseok going to say...
I took a deep breath and walked in. I tried to smile when I went to sit down but I could tell it was clearly awkward.
"hi" he said awkwardly "I ordered you the salmon, and just some water"
"thank you" I said awkwardly
It was quiet for a few minutes until they brought out the food. Neither one of us touched it.
"I think I should just get to the point" he finally spoke up
I looked at him worriedly. This was it...
"I know that you and Jimin broke up. He didn't explain everything but, I got the general picture of things." he paused "I really like you Skylar. You made my brother happy. I just need to know one thing before I continue"
I waited for him to continue
"did you cheat on Jimin?"
My eyes grew wide. How could he think that
"no!" I said a little louder than I meant. I looked around at the people starring and sunk down into my chair uncomfortably
"I didn't, I would never!" I whispered
He sighed thinking "I don't think that you did, I just had to ask... He's pretty broke.. He hates you to be honest.."
My heart shattered
"I just... I asked you to dinner because I want you to know that I still think of you as a friend and a good person, but of course my loyalty lies with my brother"
I nodded in hurt understanding
"I'm honestly hoping that one day you two will get back together, but truthfully I don't see it happening. I'm not telling you this to hurt you, but just as a big brother. I don't want either of you to be upset.... I'm not really sure what I mean by this just... I want you to be happy. Whether that's with my brother or not... "
I knew what he meant. Hoseok was never good with serous talk.
I smiled even though I was hurting "let's just eat and catch up"
He smiled back and agreed.
We talked about every other aspect of life and tried to remain as positive as possible while we visited. After about an hour we were done eating and he left and I went back to my apartment.
As soon as I shut the door my sister threw a fry at me
"hey looser why did you take so long!"
I laughed and went to the bathroom to get changed
"you think it's funny! I rented the movie you were in and have been sitting here making fun of you all by myself! Do you know how boring that is! If it weren't for T.O.P.'s fine ass being in it I would have died of boredom!"
I laughed even more.
"maybe you should have! Then I wouldn't have to deal with you for the next couple of days" I yelled back as I came over and sat on my bed.
She threw a fry at me "oh shut up! I saved you some fries!"
This girl knew that McDonald's was my comfort food
"now tell me what happened better be something interesting"
I smiled and looked down at my fries. "he wanted to know if I cheated on Jimin.... After that he just wanted to let me know that he wanted me to be happy"
"he thought you cheated on Jimin? Is he retarded?"
I laughed "be nice! Little miss 'I'm Hoseok's number one fan!"
She laughed
"no he didn't, he just had to ask. It just be what Jimin thinks... Hoseok also.. Insinuated that I should move on..."
She got quiet for a minute
"hey sis?"
I looked up at her "hmmm?"
"I saw the dating rumors about you and Namjoon..."
I chuckled "he was just trying to comfort me."
She looked at me suspiciously
"are you sure? It's just weird that you let him touch you when you hate anyone coming near you"
I just looked at her
"do you have feelings for him? "
It shouldn't have, but somehow get question caught me off guard.
My heart began to race.
"why are your ears turning red?" she yelled "you do like him! "
She chucked a pillow at me
"no hiding things from me anymore! You promised!" she laughed
I wanted to yell no I don't! At her but I felt quilty just thinking about saying it.
She looked at me seriously "I don't care who your with, I just want you to be happy just don't keep things from me when I ask"
I smiled "let's watch movies"
She sighed clearly annoyed but not in the mood to push any further. We turned on Running Man and fell asleep.

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