chapter32 more calls

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The real shooting for the show started the next day, early in the morning. Seems like maybe shopping was a really good idea since I was the only one who wasn't hung over.
Namjoon, and Hyuna had text me words of encouragement early this morning which made me feel fully confident and even more excited about the drama.
While everyone else was having a hard time, for me it seemed like the day was going by too quickly. Before I knew it everyone was calling for a lunch break.
I ran over and sat at my table next to Kim Hyun Joong, and my manager brought me Raman and water. What would I do without him?
"you got a call while you were filming, I didn't realize it but they left a voicemail" my manger held my phone up to my ear
"Skylar, it's me Theo... I.. I'm really sorry about calling you the other night.. I just wanted you to know that... I hope everything's going well for you... I really hope that we can be friends... Just talk like old times... Bye.."
I rolled my eyes and slammed down onto the delete button "block the number" i told him
"what did shopping with your boyfriend not go over to well?" Kim Hyun Joong laughed
I looked at him with a very serious face "if only it was just that" i joked back
"oh so you going to tell me who he is?" it was obvious we were being sarcastic and we just laughed with one another
I had to power eat then after a quick makeup retouch, it was time for filming again.
We filmed until around 9:30 and I was particularly exhausted by the end of it.
My manager dropped me off at my place and I went straight for my bed.
*text me when your done* it was only now I'd realized Namjoon had texted me
*i just got done, sorry it took so long, hope I don't wake you*
Soon after i got a reply *you didn't, I was writing a song. How was filming?*.
*tiring ~_~ but great! I'm not used to doing my own stunts, I have so many bruises on my legs >o
*are you okay?*
*ㅋㅋ of course oppa, I just need sleep I'll be fine ^.^*
*stay awake for just a little while longer.*
*why? * i asked
Ten minutes passed and no reply
I decided to get up and change into my pajamas and take off all my makeup. This was always the best part of the day.
I was brushing my teeth when I heard my doorbell ring
Without thinking I walked over, toothbrush in mouth, and opened the door..
There stood Namjoon
My eyes grew wide and I squealed covering my makeup less face
"what's wrong?" he asked.
I turned around and ran to the bathroom shutting the door behind me.
I heard him come in and knock on my door.
"what's wrong? I brought you stuff for your bruises... I thought they might help" he sounded very worried
I groaned.. Why did he have to be cute when I have no makeup on! Why didn't he tell me!
"I'm sorry if I shouldn't have." he said sounding very bad
I spit out my toothbrush and looked in the mirror... I don't want him to feel bad.
I walked out keeping my head down. "thank Y-You oppa.. I'm sorry.. "
"what's wrong" he asked trying to look me in the eye
I didn't want to admit what was bothering me but if I didn't he would feel bad "i didn't know it was you when I opened the door.... I don't have makeup on...."
There was a silent moment then he began laughing.
I looked up at him angrily. He stopped and brought me into a hug
"don't be embarrassed, I think you look perfect"
I smiled into his chest.
He pulled me away and looked at he "your always perfect to me"
He pulled me over to my couch and pulled out some things from a shopping bag that was on his hand.
"wheres the bruise?" he smiled
He spent the next 20 minutes being overly careful while putting strange cream on the various bruises on my legs.
When he was done he packed up and was about to leave.
"sleep well Skylar" he smiled and gave me a hug.
He turned and began to open the door to leave when something strange came over me
"wait a minute!" i nearly yelled
He looked at me concerned "what's wrong? Are you hurt somewhere else?"
I shook my head and bit my lip. What am I about to do. .
"then what is it?" he asked
I took a deep breath and looked at him. Without thinking I leaned up on my tippy toes and kissed him.
At first he was in shock and didn't respond but that only lasted a second. His hands fell to my waist and he deepened the kiss.
His lips were soft yet strong. Our lips went togetherperfectly like a puzzle piece. Being this close to him made me realize how good he smelt. Having his hand on my waist made me want more of him.
But I knew I needed to pull away.
I was too embarrassed to look at him so I looked down at my feet "goodnight oppa..."
I felt his lips on my forehead "goodnight Skylar." i could tell he was smiling
He then left and I went to bed with a million butterflies dancing on my stomach and a smile on my face.

The next morning I woke up to a good morning text from Namjoon, reminding me of last night. I felt like a child again, feeling so gawdy over one simple kiss, but yet I couldn't help it. I had to shoot again early in the morning and it was going to be another long day but I felt fully refreshed and ready for it.
Today's scenes we're intense, involving a fight scene between Kim Hyun Joong (it's how we meet in the drama) and multiple chases, both on foot and a small one in a vehicle. They weren't much fun with my bruises sending little messages of pain. But it was fun, and new, and before I knew it it was time for lunch again.
I went over to my table next to Kim Hyun Joong again and sat down. My manager came to the rescue once again with some bibimpap, kimchi, rice, and other assorted foods.
"you have a delivery" he told me.
I looked at him confused
He walked over then picked up a large bouquet of flowers and handed them to me
"I'm not sure who their from but theres a note"
I smiled at the beautiful flowers and picked up the note reading it
Congrats on your role, I know you'll be great -a friend
I smiled having a feeling who sent them
"can I have my phone? " i asked
He nodded and handed me it
I text Namjoon *thank you for the flowers ^.^*
A few short moments later my phone went off *i didn't send you any.... Sorry...*
I felt confused, then it dawned on me *ooo sorry oppa, I think Hyuna sent me them...*
I text Hyuna
*girl I didn't send you any flowers..... Sorry..... Did Namjoon send them?*
I felt strange
"oh right, I blocked that number like you asked. you also have a voicemail"
I nodded and called it
"Skylar! Why can't we be friends! I miss you! I'm a friend! Just wait I'll win you back! Im *hiccup* we're friends!" it was a drunk Theo
I looked at the flowers feeling discusted.
I put my phone and stood up walking right over to the trash can. I dropped the flowers in and turned around feeling no remorse.

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