Big Newt

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The next morning, everyone was up early to wish Varian, Hugo, Nuru and Yong luck for the trial. Erik pulled Varian aside to his lab while he was preparing to leave. Once they were in the room, the red-haired man started to search for something. Varian stood patiently until the man spoke,
"Aha. Here it is." He smiled and pushed his glasses up, walking over to Varian with a scrapbook in hand, "This used to be your mother's." Erik explained, handing the book to Varian.
The boy opened it. It was filled with small trinkets, cards, and flowers. Upon the first page, was a message; 'What ever obstacle life throws your way, remember: These things are made to test us.' Varian smiled at the encouraging words of his mother.
"Ulla always loved to write, scrapbook, doodle...We were only young when she made this book. It's filled with all of our best memories. She gifted it to me for a birthday." Erik smiled fondly at the memory, "I want you to have it."
Varian looked up at Erik with a look of shock, "No- I couldn't. She gave it to you...she wanted you to have it." Varian frowned and Erik placed a hand on the boy's shoulder.
"I have my memories of her. I regret that you were never able to meet Ulla. She would have wanted you to have it. The least I can do, as your uncle, is let you know as much about her as possible. The best way I can think to do that, is to give you this book." Erik smiled kindly and Varian forced back the tears that threatened to come. He moved forwards and hugged his uncle tightly. The man returned the hug, holding Varian close.
"Thanks so much...f- for letting us stay here, for telling me about my mother- for this book." Varian moved away and the tears surfaced, building in his eyes. Erik held the boy's shoulders firmly, smiling still,
"It's been my pleasure, Varian."

When Varian left the house, ready to head to the forest, he saw Yong sitting on the back of Hugo's bike, a make-shift pumpkin helmet on his head. He walked over to the blonde, who knocked on Yong's helmet before taking notice of Varian,
"Pretty good, right?" Hugo grinned and Varian crossed his arms.
"I thought I said I didn't want Yong riding with you." Varian replied, sternly.
"Come on, he's safe." Hugo looked to Yong who nodded frantically, "I'll go slowly if that'll make you feel better." Hugo added when Varian furrowed his brows.
"You're gonna drive more safely." Varian told Hugo, who nodded and crossed his heart.
Haley and Henrik generously agreed to lend Penny to Varian and Nuru to ride. Though mostly they offered her to them so they would have to come back to return her before they left the kingdom. Varian assured them they would most definitely be returning as he climbed onto the horse behind Nuru.

"I'm going to miss everyone." Nuru said to Varian once they were off towards the forest.
Varian watched a woman working in a vegetable patch as he listened to Nuru's words,
"Yeah. Me too." He thought about his talk with Hugo, but staying with his family was becoming more and more appealing the closer he came to leaving them.
When they arrived at the forest, Yong led them to the crescent lake, and they walked down the stairs to the tunnel. When they reached the chamber, they each removed their key and placed them in the door. It once again lit up orange and Varian looked between everyone, then stepped forwards to push the door open. The others joined him and the door slowly swung open, to reveal yet another tunnel.
They walked through the door and once they had, it swung closed behind them.
"Guess there's no turning back now..." Varian chuckled nervously.
They walked the tunnel until they arrived at some stairs, at the top, there was daylight.
"It looks like we're going back outside." Yong commented, confused.
At the top of the stairs, to their surprise, was in fact the forest; just as they had seen it minutes before. The only difference was the thick fog that hung just above the ground.
"Is...this the trial?" Nuru asked, looking around.
"It must be." Varian furrowed his brows then reached into his bag.
"Checkin' with mom?" Hugo grinned and Varian ignored him, taking out his mother's journal and flicking through it. Everyone stood around, looking at the journal as Varian ran his finger over the pages. Hugo watched the concentrated look on Varian's face turn to disappointment,
"Nothing." Varian sighed, looking at another torn page. The blonde looked aside, holding onto the strap of his satchel tightly.
"I suppose we should start moving. We won't find anything standing around here." Nuru smiled.
"We can't move without knowing where we're goin', Princess." Hugo scoffed.
"Well, what do you suggest?" Nuru asked, crossing her arms. When Hugo was silent, Varian smiled, breaking the silence, "Nuru's right. Let's get moving, and see what we find."

Varian and the Seven Kingdoms (Varian's Seven Trials)Where stories live. Discover now