Yong awoke to warm light flashing against his closed eyes. When he opened them, he saw the light shining in through a crack in the shutters. There was a soft whistling coming from Varian's bed which made him snigger.
The boy sat up and carefully moved from beside Nuru, who was still resting after the ordeal with the Saporians.
The caravan was moving and Hugo was nowhere to be seen, so Yong climbed the ladder to the roof.
The blonde boy was sat at the front, conversing with the mouse upon his shoulder.
"Good morning!" Yong exclaimed, a little too enthusiastically for the early hours of the morning. He carefully made his way to the front.
"Mornin', kid." Hugo responded.
"Have you been outside all night?" He sat by the blonde.
"Sure have."
"Aren't you tired? I'd be tired."
"Guess I am a little."
"I can take the reins if you need a nap." Yong suggested.
Hugo didn't respond. He was looking ahead.
"Hm? Yeah- sure, Sparkles." He handed over the reins but before he stood to go inside the camper, Yong spoke again,
"Don't be loud cause Varian and Nuru are still asleep." Yong demanded and Hugo widened his eyes before grinning widely,
"Ay, ay, Captain." He saluted.The blonde climbed down into the caravan silently and slipped into bed without a sound. There was movement from Varian's bed and Hugo opened one eye. He found himself watching the dark haired boy sit up and stretch.
When Ruddiger chittered, Varian shushed him then petted the raccoon's head.
Hugo smiled from beneath the covers. He was surprised when Varian looked to him then made his way over. He closed his eyes tight and felt Varian's shadow fall over him, "You spying on me?" He asked and crouched by the bed. Hugo lifted his blankets, a smirk on his face, "You got me, Goggles."
Varian grinned, "Gotten any sleep yet?"
"Nope. The kid just took over for me."
"You let Yong take over?" Varian looked a little shocked.
"Hey, have some faith in the kid..."
As if on cue, the caravan swerved knocking a beaker on the ground,
"Happens to the best of us." Hugo finished with a smirk and Varian sniggered. The blonde watched him then took a more serious tone,
"How y'feeling after last night?"
"Uh, better; definitely. Everyone's safe. I need to keep reminding myself that's what's important." Varian smiled and Hugo nodded, "Anyway- you should rest and I should go check on Yong." The boy stood up straight.
"Wait, V..." Hugo said before Varian could walk away. He turned to look at the blonde; almost a hopeful-look in his eyes.
"Y'might wanna comb your hair. You look a mess." Hugo grinned, resting his arms behind his head. Varian furrowed his brows and once Hugo had closed his eyes to sleep, the boy grabbed a comb and brushed it through his messy hair."How much longer till Corona?" Yong asked Nuru later that day. Him and Varian had just returned from gathering supplies in the town and the Princess was reading at the desk, while Hugo slept.
"Well, the Saporian's set us a bit off track, but it shouldn't be long now. Two more villages after this one and then we should reach Corona's walls." She explained.
"It sucks that your schedule got messed up." Yong pouted.
"I'm just glad those Saporians are behind bars where they belong." Nuru commented.
"Let's hope that's where they stay." Varian sighed.
"If they get out again, Nuru'll take 'em down!" Yong punched the air and there was a groan from Hugo's bed. Nuru and Varian looked to the young boy who covered his mouth with both hands.
"How are you feeling, by the way?" Varian asked Nuru, "You really exhausted yourself last night."
"Uh, yeah..." Nuru laughed awkwardly, "I'm fine. I still need to work on my endurance, I suppose."
Varian nodded, "You were awesome." He smiled and looked out of the window, "Well, I guess we should stay here a while so Prometheus can rest up." The boy suggested, looking to Yong, "Wanna make a start on that firework machine?" The boy grinned.
"Uh, yeah!" Yong exclaimed and Hugo pulled a pillow over his head. The two ran from the caravan, Nuru calling after them,
"I'm not sure the village will be too happy if you start setting off fireworks!" She spoke quickly but they were gone before she finished. The Princess sighed and Hugo sat up.
"Can't a guy get some peace and quiet?" He huffed.
Nuru rolled her eyes, "I'll be quiet."
Hugo didn't respond so the Princess looked over at him.
"Are you alright?"
"Hm? Yeah, yeah fine. Tired."
"Something's bothering you..." Nuru crossed her arms, "Do you want to talk-"
"I'm gonna have t'stop you right there, Princess. I'm good. Talking about my feelings is the last thing either of us wants."
"I'm only trying to help."
"I don't do the whole 'talking about your feelings' thing."
"Mhm. I suppose there's an exception when it's with Varian, though?" She pressed, a slight smirk on her face. Hugo's cheeks went a little red,
"He pretty much forces it outta me." The blonde joked, "Besides, I got Liv if I need t'talk."
"Alright." Nuru smiled, "The offer is still out there if you change your mind."
"Got it." Hugo chuckled and turned over, "Oh, and Princess,"
Nuru turned to look at him.
"Nice work with that magic yesterday; glad you finally figured it out." The blonde disappeared under his covers and Nuru gave a pleasant smile.

Varian and the Seven Kingdoms (Varian's Seven Trials)
FanfictionThis is my take on the idea of a Varian spin-off series of Tangled: The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure. The AU was presented to Disney by storyboarders Kay Ritter and Anna Lencioni who took a liking to Varian's character and decided to create a...