"What happened to Olivia, exactly?" Nuru asked Varian later that morning. When Hugo had returned to the camper with Olivia, the slamming of the door woke Nuru, and she had stayed up with Varian since then. Yong had slept through the whole thing.
It was now five in the morning and Hugo had been trying to repair Olivia all night.
"Well, she was holding the walls for us so we didn't get crushed looking for a way out. Hugo helped me climb out, but there wasn't enough time for him to grab her...so I made him leave her." Varian sighed, feeling worse now he had recalled the situation,
"I- I need to apologise properly." Varian bit his lip.
"I'm not sure he wants to hear it right now..." Nuru frowned.
"I feel terrible- I need to say something." Varian walked over to the desk, "H- Hey..."
Hugo didn't respond.
"Do you want help...fixing her?"
"Hugo, I know it's...kinda my fault this happened- but I can help; whatever you need me to do-"
"It's entirely your fault, and I don't want your help."
Varian watched the blonde a moment longer. He couldn't think of anything else to say, so he left Hugo alone to repair her.A few hours passed, and when the sun was high in the sky, they set off again towards Corona. Varian worked at the table instead of the desk, where Hugo sat. Getting stuck in work was the only way he could think to distract himself from the guilt he felt.
It didn't help. He couldn't focus on what he was doing, because he kept glancing over at Hugo, hoping to see him smirk at him, or make a remark on something Nuru or Yong said. The blonde didn't look up once, he was concentrated on Olivia."Varian..." Nuru walked over with a smile, "Yong and I are going to stop in the village up ahead. Would you like to come along?" Nuru asked, then moved to stand between Varian and his view of Hugo,
"I know you feel bad...but it isn't really your fault, and you shouldn't let it upset you too much. When he's ready to talk to you, he will. He'll see it was an accident and couldn't be helped."
"That's his oldest friend, Nuru. And I'm the reason she's all...dented up." Varian sighed and rested his head in his arms on the table.
"Come to the village with us." Nuru smiled, "It will take your mind off of things and...give Hugo some space."
Varian lifted his head and nodded, "Yeah, ok...""Hey- they have pumpkin juice!" Yong pointed to a sign outside a store in the village, "Have you ever had pumpkin juice, Nuru?" The young boy asked. One of the main reasons for the outing was that Yong was being particularly energetic, and his enthusiasm was starting to become a little much to bear.
"No...I don't think I have." The Princess responded, holding onto his hand so he didn't run off.
Yong pointed at and commented on almost everything they passed.
"Hey, Varian- can you help me make a firework machine?" Yong asked after spotting a cow. The two things were completely unrelated.
"Yeah, maybe after I've worked out the totems." Varian responded.
"Is Hugo still mad?" Yong asked.
"Uh- yeah. Yeah, he is." Varian forced a smile.
"He's being really stubborn for someone who doesn't ever apologise." Yong commented.
"It's a little different, Yong. Olivia's really important to him."
"So're you. He seems a little conflicted."
A smile grew on Varian's face at this, then he ruffled Yong's hair, "Thanks for the wisdom, Yong."
"No problemo. But this means you definitely gotta help me with my firework machine."Back at the caravan, Hugo had finally managed to get Olivia working again. Her little cogs turned and she squeaked at him. The boy lifted her to his face and let her hug it with her damaged little arms.
"Good t'have you back. You ok? Everything workin'?"
The mouse squeaked and Hugo stared then smirked, "See, your speech modulator must be broken, cause you don't know what you're talkin' about." Hugo rolled his eyes and placed the mouse down. She gave him a knowing look.
"What?" He chuckled, and she squeaked again, "That's not why I'm mad. I'm not...pushing him away- and I'm not worried." He sat back in his chair, "Donnie didn't say anything, so we get away scot-free."
The conversation continued,
"I just revived you- y'think you could stop criticising me and be a little thankful? Ok, yeah- so you technically saved me first." Hugo grinned, "Course I'm grateful." The blonde watched the mouse and heaved a sigh,
"I know he saved my life- It's something I'm getting very used to. And I'm grateful he did- obviously...I just-"
Olivia squeaked.
"I don't feel guilty! I broke off the deal with Donella." Hugo looked out of the window and the mouse watched him, "But, if- when he finds out, he's never gonna be able to trust me again- you heard all that stuff he went through with Rapunzel...so, what's the point in fixing things?"
Olivia, after a short silence, squeaked again.
"Let's fix those arms up, ey?" Hugo leaned forwards and grabbed a tool.

Varian and the Seven Kingdoms (Varian's Seven Trials)
FanficThis is my take on the idea of a Varian spin-off series of Tangled: The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure. The AU was presented to Disney by storyboarders Kay Ritter and Anna Lencioni who took a liking to Varian's character and decided to create a...