13| Bonds Tested

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Caressa tenses as she pops her eyes open, "Are you bloody mad right now?" She sits up with an insurmountable amount of rage written on her face. I'd have to say, I should've listened to Brutal, she didn't intimidate me, but she was definitely scary, "I should've just left your fucking ass outside for the coyotes to eat you up. Why are you asking me about this now? At this ungodly hour? It seriously couldn't have waited until I was fully conscious to throw you out?"

"I've gotta know Caress. I want to trust you, I do, but it's not exactly alleviating my angst about it."

She takes a deep breath, folds her bare arms across her chest, and looks up at the ceiling as if it offended her, "For the record, I was going to tell you about him coming over the next time I saw you at the bar."

I reach out and pull her on my chest, she relaxes, only just a bit. I brush a stray hair off of her forehead, "For the record, I wasn't going to let you get away from me so easily. No matter how far you run, I'm not going to be too far behind....just so you know."

She flashes me a soft smile, "So you say," she mutters. She takes a moment to look me square in the eye before saying, "He was here because he was trying to get me to fall for his charms once again."

She pauses, watching me struggle to keep a stoic facial expression, and then continues, "He also warned me away from you, saying I would only end up hurt if I stayed," she drops her smile, "he also said the only way this war between you two will end is when one or both end up in a box, six feet under."

I clench my jaw, trying to hold my composure, "I was hoping for it. If he thinks I'm not going down without taking him with me, he's delusional. I've been planning for the moment he would make his return and now that I know for sure he's fucking with my territory," I cup her chin, "and what's mine, I plan on killing him slowly."

Caressa frowns, "Jax, you're scaring me. Please don't do anything stupid. Honestly, Seb isn't worth it. He's a narcissistic asshole who deserves every bit of justice coming to him, just not by you."

"He deserves street justice and nothing--I do mean nothing will stop me from serving it. It's the least I owe Melody, Chase, and Patrick."

Caressa lifts herself on her knees, straddles me, grabs me by my jaw, and places a soft kiss on my lips. A little stunned, "What was that for?"

She looks down at me with such innocence, I forget that she's not even a part of this lifestyle. The reverence in her eyes tells me everything I need to know, but she still confirms it, "I get it. If anyone had killed my family the way he did yours, they'd die slowly. I'd give them blood transfusions just to prolong their torture."

"Well, fuck. Remind me to never get on your bad side," I joke however the twinkle in her eye tells me she's not joking.

"Now," she says with a flirty smirk, "are there any other questions you feel the need to ask? Because if you do, feel free to ask them, after you leave."

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