11| Troubled Water

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     Jax gives me a dirty look, "Sebastian Flores of Los Diablos is your ex?"

     He takes a long swallow of his drink, "Fucking figures," he mutters under his breath. He turns his head in the direction of Bas, "First, Caressa is here with me. Second, just know I'm going to fucking kill you. It may not be tonight, but I will kill you. With my bare hands, slowly, and agonizingly. I'm going to make you fucking pay."

    Jax is deathly calm as he delivers his threat. I turn my attention back to Bas as I open my mouth, Pretty Boy comes up behind Jax, not even noticing the tense standoff between these two men, and I could hear him whisper to Jax, "It's him."

Without even breaking eye contact Jax replies, "I know. Now kindly escort him out of here before I end up going to prison for killing this--vermin."

  As though Jax hadn't just threatened his life, Bas looks at me and says, "Mariposa, are you coming with me?"

Jax tightens his death grip on me, waiting for me to reply. I frown, "Why the fuck would I come with you, Seb? I left you a long time ago remember? Besides, Jax already told you, I'm here with him," I tighten my fists, "so it's best for everyone for you to leave. Don't be a wanker."

Bas leans forward to kiss my cheek and I move my head. He steps back and chuckles, "Don't worry mariposa, you'll be seeing me again."

  I quirk my eyebrow, "Doubtful," I say as I cross my arms.

    He gives me a condescending smirk and turns his attention to Jax and points at him, "You'll definitely be seeing me again. Say, did any of your shipments get hit? I heard there's a lot of that going on."

Jax growls, "Yeah? Don't worry, I will definitely be getting to the bottom of that. Don't worry your pretty head, now get the fuck out of my club. Last warning. Oh, and Bas? If I catch you around Caressa again, I won't hesitate to put a bullet between your eyes, and no amount of FBI will be able to save you."

  Bas nods his head our way and walks out with his crew following behind. Jax turns me around to face him, "California huh? I thought you didn't know anything about MC life."

  The murderous look he has on his face intimidates me just a little but I put on a brave face, "I don't. Just because he's my ex doesn't mean I knew about his gang. Yeah, he rode on a bike, but I never had the desire to ride on one until I met you. However, if you don't believe me, maybe you should just take me home and let's call it, yeah?"

  Without a word, Jax stands up and shifts me off of him, "Follow me."

  "Nah, I think I'm--"

  "It wasn't a request. Follow me, NOW," he says authoritatively.

I look over at Jules and with a worried look on her face, she nods in his direction, as if to silently urge me to obey his order. I take a deep breath and decide to follow him, hoping not to lose him in the dark. I see he's going up to his office, where it's quiet and private. I'm not concerned that he'll kill me, however, I do have a twinge of concern that he has something more diabolical in store.

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