9| Deeper Connections

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    When I reached my door, I shook my shoulders, rotated my wrists, and cracked my neck to prepare myself for what I had planned for Caressa. I took a deep breath and opened it up just enough to see, she had indeed followed my instructions down to the letter.

    She was naked, but the way she strategically placed her hair to cover her breasts was genius. I chuckled to myself as I closed the door behind me. I put my own hair in a bun with a rubber band I usually have on my wrist. I take my cut off and place it on the hook on the back of my door.

    “Before we proceed, I want you to talk to me and tell me what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling. I need to check in with you and make sure you’re okay before we go any further.”

    “I-,” she begins to stammer, “I’m a little nervous but I’m okay honestly. This is just something out of the ordinary for me.”

    I stand at the foot of the bed, itching to touch her sun-kissed, supple skin, but I knew that I couldn’t cross that boundary just yet. I slowly drag my eyes from the crown of her head to her erect mocha nipples; then finally stopping at the peak of where her legs meet. Seeing traces of her arousal in her bikini area was such an aphrodisiac that if I wasn’t careful, she was something I could become addicted to.

    Building up the tension between us, I stay observant of her body language; telling me things her mouth simply could not even express, “Just nervous?” I smirk.

    She looks up at me beneath her lashes, trying to hypnotize me with those tempting hues of the ocean, “Just a little,” she whispers.

    “I can work with ‘nervous’. What’s your safeword?”

    With no hesitation, “Snake.”

    “Good girl. Now, how do you feel about bondage?”

    She quirks her eyebrow, “Bondage? Like tying me up?”

    “Exactly that.”

    “For you? I’m open to it.”

    I widened my smile a bit, “That’s exactly what I want to hear darlin’.”

    I pull the discreet straps attached to the footboard from underneath the corners of the mattress, “Lay down on your back, feet on the mattress, spread far apart.”

    She apprehensively lays down and in an unhurried manner, she scooches down to where I can secure her legs into place. She once again tries to strategically cover herself up discreetly, “I don’t remember asking or telling you to do that.”

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