1| New Beginnings

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Moving to a new town had always been a little difficult for me, even now as an adult. You'd think I was used to it by now, being a military brat; however, there was purpose in me moving to this sandy city. I always knew there was booming life on the strip of Las Vegas, I just didn't know it was just as busy off the strip. I settled into my shoebox of an apartment and knew that I was eventually going to have to get a job. My settlement money was running out fast, I forgot how expensive staying in even cheap motels could be.

After being on the road for about nine months, I decided it was time to plant some roots. I had been in this country for about five years now, permanently. There was nothing for me back at home in England. Mom had passed away from cancer that came upon her so fast and took her out just as fast. I stayed, trying to settle my roots, but everywhere I turned, it reminded me of her and it unnerved me to my core.

So I had decided to travel the world, see where I would fit in. Turns out, that place is Las Vegas so far. Granted, I don't really know anyone here except for my father and even then we don't really speak since he had abandoned mom and me. I guess I got my stubbornness from him because we refuse to even acknowledge each other, even now.

Seeing as how I don't have many belongings, I unpacked what I had, and set out to look for a job. I got into my 2005 Chevy Impala, rolled down the windows, and headed towards the strip. It was mid-April and the weather was nice but I knew it was only a matter of time before it got scorching hot. I parked in one of the hotel parking garages since I didn't know how long I'd be.

I knew what my strengths were, so I decided to exploit them. I first hit up all of the bars and clubs in the major casinos, hoping that I would hit gold. Turns out the only thing I hit was fool's gold. The casinos' application process seemed to be way more intrusive than applying for Secret Service or the FBI.

By the end of the day, I was feeling pretty low. I go back to my car and head home. The drive isn't far and since I'm going in the opposite direction, I decide to get a drink. I see a secluded bar, and I pull in. At first, just looking at it, you wouldn't think anything of it, the exterior looks like a two-story old saloon back in the westerns.

I see a bunch of Harleys and choppers lined in the parking lot. It didn't leave me uneasy, as I knew I could hold my own should someone ever try to attack me. Growing up in the streets of Brixton after my dad abandoned us, made me be the strong, resilient, unyielding woman I am today.

I walk into the bar and am immediately met with hardened stares, I give them right back. As I walk into the bar, I realize it's actually a strip club as there are three poles on the stage, two off to the side towards the back, and the one at the end of the catwalk. I put all my focus on just sitting down and not wanting to give anyone the wrong idea that I was in the mood for conversation.

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