4| Retribution

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Last night was the first night that I hadn't had a woman in my bed for the last couple of years. It didn't keep me up all night; however, a pair of greenish hazel eyes are the ones that haunted me throughout the night. Genice tried to give me shit for it, however, I had to remind her exactly who I was. She walked away sulking.

I knew I had club business to take care of, Blade made sure of that. I know that I shouldn't blame him for my missing shipment. He's tried to make it up to me in every way I know that is possible. I just told him to either find my missing guns or for him to replace them.

I put on my cut and head to church; as I climb down the stairs, I see Geniece and I snarl. She submissively puts her head down and dares not to look me into my eye. I see Pretty Boy with his old lady, sitting on his lap, cozying up together. I pull him away from Coni and tell him, "We need to have church in five mins. I think I've got a plan to get my shit back or at the very least, we get to have retribution."

He simply nods as I walk away. While I stayed up thinking of Caressa, I also thought of things I could do about this other MC infringing on my territory. I wanted answers and there was no one I could solidly count on. I needed me and the boys to put our heads together to see where exactly we land.

As I sat down, I slowly imagined Caressa here on my lap, listening to the inner workings of our group, then knowing that as soon as we finish Church, I have every intention of fucking her later, on top of our wood carved table. It has our emblem on it and then covered in epoxy. I smile to myself with the hope she'll allow that, and soon.

I see Pretty Boy come in first and take his seat at my right, then my Road Captain, Brutal comes in and takes a seat next to Pretty Boy. Next Headbanger, my secretary, takes a seat on my left. Finally, Headhunter, my Sergeant at Arms, sits next to Headbanger. I knew Moose wasn't going to be at this meeting as he had a special assignment to take care of.

All the gentlemen nod at me and then I nod back at Headbanger.

"Before we get down to why we're really here, I may or may not have some news that could potentially help us," Headbanger starts off, "I'm trying to have all of my options ran through a couple of times before I present them to you."

I nod my head in acknowledgment, "That's smart Banger and I look forward to hearing these options. Now," I say as I clap my hands, "Let's get down to business, shall we?"

All the gentlemen nod their heads in unison in acknowledgment. "Alright, we need to see if Blade has any more information for us in regards to my guns. Also, Headhunter do you think you can do your bounty hunter thing without me having to pull your head out of your ass?"

He sneers and then nods his head, "Yes, Prez, whatever you need me to do, I will do it."

"My boy! Take one of the prospects with you."

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