3| Boss Man

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"Prez, Blade told us what happened in regards to the shipment," Pretty Boy says walking into my office at the clubhouse. I sigh, waiting silently and patiently for him to finish. "Apparently one of his guys took a crate."

"And what is Blade going to do about that?" I ask deathly calm.

"He turned him over to us. The boys and I thought we'd give you the honors," he says with a knowing smile.

I was already in a mood going stir crazy not being able to go on a ride without someone watching me. I get up, open one of the drawers in my desk, and pick up my black bowie blade, ready to do some damage. I smile back sharply, "Where is he?"


I walk out of the room without another word with Pretty Boy hot on my trail. I don't pay attention to anything that's going on in the clubhouse because I now have a precision focus on how I'm going to teach this fucking bastard a lesson for even fucking with my crew.

We step out in the dark of the night, there's no moonlight and the woods are deadly silent. It almost feels as nature knew not to fuck with me when I was in one of these moods. The only thing we could hear is each other's breathing and the twigs snapping beneath our heavy boots.

When we finally reach the warehouse, it already reeks of the metallic scent of blood. I inhale it, letting it calm my nerves. I tighten my grip on my blade, ready to play. Moose and Headhunter already have the guy tied up in chains. He's bruised, bloody, and beaten.

With my blade still sheathed, I put it under his hanging head and lift it up so he can see my eyes. His eyes are dead, unfeeling, and cold much like my own. "Did you think it was wise to steal from me?"

He spits blood in my face. Moose comes up from behind him and punches him in the kidneys. He groans out in agony. I wipe my face and smile, "Either way, you're going to die. It's just left up to you if you want to die slow and in pain OR if you want to die quickly. So I'm going to ask you again, did you think it was smart to steal from me?"

"Fuck you Viper!" He screams out.

This time Headhunter comes up from behind, much like Moose did, puts him in a headlock, and begins choking him. I nod at him, telling him to back off. The guy gasps, trying to breathe once more. "Listen, we can go like this all night but I'd really prefer not to. Answer my question."

He just looks at me once more, refusing to say a word. I nod at Pretty Boy who has a pair of brass knuckles; he stands in front of the guy as both Moose and Headhunter hold him steady. Pretty Boy pulls his arm back, ready to land a blow and the guy finally screams out, "Alright! Alright!"

Pretty Boy takes a step back, still ready to strike if needed. "Then talk. Did you think it was fucking smart to steal from me?"

"No," he says as he begins laughing, "I thought it was fucking genius to steal from you! You are so fucking cocky asshole! You think no one will touch your precious Shadow Skulls. Something's coming for you Viper, just know it is! So fuck you asshole!"

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