7| Past Revisited

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Having Caressa behind me, gripping me tightly while she was on this bike was such an aphrodisiac to someone like me. Whenever I would come to a turn, she'd hold on for dear life, but I could feel her smile behind on my neck. It took about an hour to get to Red Rock, but once we got there, we got off the bike.

"So how'd you like the ride? I mean like a TRUE ride?" I ask nervously.

"Jax, I swear if you keep taking me on these rides, I won't want to look at riding anything else," she says sheepishly. She looks up at me with those swirling eyes, only now they look more brown than green. "I mean not wanting to ride any other vehicle."

I chuckle, "I know that's what you meant because you haven't ridden me yet."

She has a pensive look on her face and I know she's getting ready to ask me something very unpleasant, "Jax, tell me, what was that woman doing in your office? You want me to trust you, you have to give me a reason to! Not just with nice things and doing nice things. I want to get to the real you, not the persona you put out."

I rub my temples knowing that I need to tell her something of my past, but not really wanting to go into detail as that is a painful part of my past. It had been several years since it actually happened. And aside from a select few people I trust, know about it. I sigh, knowing my impending doom, "Come here, I want to hold you while I tell you the story. I know that will quell my emotions & my fears."

She confidently strides over to me with no hesitation, if I'm not careful, I could fall for this woman. The gods above must've been looking down on me because the weather was perfect, I had this golden beauty in my arms, and the boys were getting intel about the feds and my guns successfully.

She waits patiently for me to speak, looking so innocent. How could I not tell her? I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer to me, "First, how about a kiss, and then I tell you all the gory details, deal?"

She takes a deep breath, "Fine," she's smiling so I know that she loves this deal.

I lean down to taste her sweet lips softly, I know if I linger, I'll get distracted; so I pull my head back and smile. I take a deep breath, "I once had a family, a real family. I was happily married, with a beautiful baby boy who was about 6 months old," I choked for a bit, remembering Chase and Melody. Caressa reached up and moved a stray hair from my face, and held my cheek as the tears from my face fall, which I didn't even know I was crying.

"Jax, I am so sorry! What happened to them? An accident?"

I shook my head, "No, I was just starting the club and we, the club, were running into some problems, so a turf war broke out. Ultimately, I won the war, but I lost some serious casualties, including what mattered to me the most."

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