8| Promising Night

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    I turn in the direction of the voice and am met with my former mother in law. She’s a head shorter than me, with salt and pepper graying hair. She looks much older than I remember. I give her my brightest smile and say, “Hey ma. It’s been a while.”

    She wipes her hands on her flour-covered apron and spreads her arms out wide, “Jesus Jaxon, ‘a while’? It’s been about five years since we saw you last!”

    I wince, knowing that I hadn’t exactly been the best son in law since Mel died, but I knew there was a strong chance that I’d run into her when I decided to bring Caressa here. I steal a glance at her and she’s beaming from ear to ear; “Caressa, I’d like you to meet someone very special to me. This is Harmony, Melody’s mother.”

    At the mention of Melody, Caressa’s facial expression softens and says, “It’s an honor to meet you,” she extends her hand out, so formal in greeting Harmony.

    Harmony shakes her head as she reaches for Caressa's neck and knocks her hand out of the way, “Oh dear, I’m a hugger. Handshakes are for germaphobes and formal meetings.”

    Looking a bit out of place, Caressa just lets Harmony wrap her arms around her neck and hug tightly. After a few awkward moments, Harmony breaks the hug, takes Caressa by her hands, and says, “Caressa is your name? That’s beautiful.”

    Harmony then looks at me sternly and asks, “Why have you allowed so much time to pass without coming to see me?”

    Pausing for a moment, completely thrown off track with that question, I hesitate. Once I’m able to composite a coherent thought, “At first it was grief ma, then it slowly morphed into guilt. I knew Melody would’ve wanted me to keep in contact, but I just couldn’t deal with it.”

    “My dear son. I can’t even imagine the feelings you must have with how much you lost that day,” she grabs me by both of my cheeks, “So now that I’ve seen you, how about you come sit down at your old table and let me feed you huh?” She places a soft kiss on my cheek and leads us to a booth in the back.

    Once we’re seated at our table, Harmony goes back inside of the kitchen to give Caressa and me some privacy.

    “She is a lovely woman. It pains me to see that she’s lost so much,” Caressa says softly as she reaches across the table to grab my hand, “You too you know?”

    I smile hollowly at her, “I don’t think I won’t ever get over that pain and hole that Melody left when she got killed. I just try to take it day by day and hope the pain lessens as time progresses.”

    She moves from sitting in front of me to sitting beside me. Her close proximity once again makes my synapses fry and the only thing I can hear is the roar in my blood from being set on fire.

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