Clingy || Chapter Three

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'You said forever then left before I counted to three loved you a little too much but I was never the one'•Never the 1 ~ Rosie•

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'You said forever then left before I counted to three loved you a little too much but I was never the one'
•Never the 1 ~ Rosie•

To say you where saddened by the things Miguel and Demitri had said would be an understatement. You where devastated. It was no joke, nor one of their stupid pranks. It was reality, because you could tell how sad they where too. You knew things where gonna change around here by the time you where back but Eli was definitely not one of them. Something was off about this whole situation and you were scared to find out what it was.

You had the rest of the day to think about what you needed to do to fix what you had left. Eli was never the type to hold a grudge, whatever the person did, whatever you did, he always forgave them.

The lessons where a drag, teachers pouring more and more information into the gaps of your knowledge-lacked brain just making the hours to go by even slower. The three boys where supposed to be in your last class of the day but only two of them came. The blue eyes you once saw everyday weren't anywhere to be seen. That's okay, maybe he went home? He wasn't feeling well? But when you asked the others around you including Miguel, he had been in the class before.

"Alright class dismissed you can go early." Your science teacher announced while scanning the room at her students, putting her notes back in her classroom journal. 'finally' you thought as you did the exact same.

"Hey Alex i was wondering if you needed a ride?" Miguel asked sweetly, patting your shoulder slightly to turn your attention to him rather than looking around the room for the one person you knew wasn't coming.

"That's okay Mig really, my dads got flexible hours so i'm sure he'll be here any second. Thank you though." You sigh, smiling weakly at him before bringing him into a hug.



"Don't worry about Eli, okay? He'll come around i'm sure." Miguel had always been the best person for advice. No matter what for, he always knew exactly what to do. And in situations like these you knew you had to trust him.

"Thank you Miguel. I've missed you so much." You say squeezing him a little tighter before letting go.

"I've missed you too."

You both parted your ways, getting to the front entrance quickly before the many crowds of people formed. But as you where about to walk from the safety off school the red spikes from earlier had caught your eye, making you forget almost anything Miguel and Demitri had told you. You see him leaving through the side entrance of the cafeteria, making his way towards his car.

It was weird seeing him like this, all grown up opening the door to get in the drivers seat of a newish looking car. It seemed like it was just yesterday when you where sat on his living room floor at the age of 10 and 11 playing with his and Demitris collection of action figures and toy cars, never mind real ones!

Seen that he was alone, you took the opportunity to run towards his direction to greet your best friend.
Big mistake.

"Eli!!" He turned his head at the sound of your voice, but didn't seem too happy to be seeing you.

"Oh Alex, hey." He smiled small, avoiding eye contact completely as he looked towards the ground.

"Where have you been, I thought you went home or something as you weren't in science?"

"Mm- I've been busy."

"Is everything alright, you've been avoiding me like all day and i wanted to see you!" You asked, slightly stepping closer towards him.

"I'm fine." His words were cold- nothing you had ever heard from him before.

"Are you sure? Because you don't seem too happy to see me seen as, you know, i've been gone for over a year? Ring any bells?"

"Maybe because i'm not." He shot back at your sarcastic comment, causing you to take a few steps back, doing a double take as you replayed his words again and again in your head.

"W- what? Why not?"

"Oh for fucks sake Alex! Leave. Me. Alone. Stop being so fucking clingy. You learnt to live without me once so you can surely fucking do it again!" He saw your whole body tense up. He saw how the sting of tears started to prick your eyes. He saw your lower lip start to tremble, just like it always did in the past. But out of everything, he saw how much he had hurt you. It was a mistake, he took it too far. Eli would never do such a thing to the person he thought the world and more of. But hawk did. And from the growing crowd that gathered around the two of you, he wasn't going to let his guard down and admit to what he said was wrong.

Instead he gave you one last look before getting in his car just to slam his door and drive away. Leaving you shaken, not able to move your anchored down limbs. No tears dared to leave your eyes though. You where too numb at the fact that almost every person life had given you, you had lost in ways you couldn't imagine. Thoughts of living without Eli flew around your head, making you go dizzy. Those words kept replaying over and over, making you fall sick. You where angry, angry that you where ever best friends with him in the first place- wishing he had never made you promise you'd come back for him. Because you should have made him promise he'd come back for you! But back then you didn't need his confirmation to know it was you and him against the whole world.

"You alright Al?" Your dad says as you get in the car. Your hood was up and your hands were stuffed in your pockets so no one could recognise you from the occurrence that happened just moment ago. As soon as you spotted the registration of your dads car you walked as fast as you could until you got into the only safe place you could think of.

"Yeah, yeah. Just drive." You whisper and he does what he's told. Your brain felt like it was going to explode, like some sort of overloading computer. Your thoughts became so scattered that what felt like normal functioning was impossible. It was too painful. Too scary, to face on your own. Because when things like this used to happen he would be at your very side.

"Hey hey hey Alex look at me." It had been a hard day at school, as well as your mom and dad fighting again at home. Everything seemed to be going downhill. Eli brought you to his house, making you food and hot drinks and giving you all the soft sweaters of his you could ever need.

But as he left to go get some food for himself, the panicking soon kicked in. And when he came back, Eli noticed straight away, rushing straight to your very side to comfort you. He was hesitant at first, but knew it was right. He scanned your outline with his sorrow filled doe eyes before resting his soft palms upon your tear stained cheeks. "I'm right here, right beside you Al. I promise."

And just by the reassuring presence of his. Loving. Calm. Stable. All of these things and more, made you feel healed almost instantly. "That's it, just focus on your breathing." You followed along with him, breathing in and out slowly as you looked into one another's eyes, never wanting to let go of the deep connection you held deep inside of you. "I'm proud of you." 

You uncurl your tucked knees, flopping them over the side of his bed before letting yourself rest on his shoulder. Your head locking perfectly in the crook of his neck like you where a puzzle just made to fit one another. His arm slithered around your waist to keep you steady up right, rubbing his thumb on the small of your hips. "What have i ever done to deserve you Eli."

"I know i am pretty amazing aren't I?" He giggles, making your mood brighten ten shades lighter because of his confident little joke.

"You can say that again." You whisper, snuggling deeper into him as he rested his head on top of yours. And that night you spent with each other. Nothing was said, nor was there anything needed to be said. The only thing needed was you and him together. That completed a sentence in itself. That completed your life. He completed your life.

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