Phone || Chapter Fourteen

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'Oh, you lured me in I couldn't sense the pain

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'Oh, you lured me in I couldn't sense the pain.'
•Stitches - Shawn Mendez

Hundreds of years could have gone by and still the same question would have been replaying in your head over and over again. And that question being  What now? Many of those rhetorical sentences crowded your head but you couldn't figure the puzzle out to answer them.

But all of this thinking brought you to not look at the bigger picture here. You where outside, alone, in the dark, without anyone there to walks you home. Yes, Eli's house wasn't so far away and it's not like you'd get lost but when reaching into your pocket to text literally anyone where you where just to be on the safe side, your phone seemed to not be there. And in the other pocket too. Then you took the opportunity to start panicking, picking up your pace to a fast walk as you skipped through a shortcut and trying to count down the minutes till you reached your front door.

When climbing down from the roof into his room, Eli could notice that clear phone case full of mismatched stickers from a mile away. Eli hadn't really known what to do at that point other than to turn it on, it wasn't his business, no, but he was curious to see if you had any missed important notifications.

But your home screen was enough to make him stop what he was doing for a slight second. The picture was of you and him, at what seemed like a water party? You where both dressed in swimsuits, one towel wrapped up between the both of you to keep each other warm. You where both young, your action of the usual peace sign and tongue stuck out hinting at that too. His though was just a small smile. And that small smile was soon copied then pasted almost onto his face looking back at the memory.

He was confused, at first, as to why you had that picture out of anything as your background but also why your phone was here instead of with you. Then, it hit him like a ton of bricks, and that emotion soon was replaced with complete worry. You where walking home without a phone in hand or close person in sight.

Sprinting downstairs he caught up with himself, tripping over the crumpled carpet to get to his shoes and slip them on. He didn't know whether to say something to your dad or to leave it but by the time it took for him to think, his mother had already spotted him leaving out the door. "Oh Eli, hun. So glad we caught you, I was wondering if you and Al wanted to watch a movie or something? I'll let you pick." She offered, tilting her head a little his way. As much as he wanted to go and put his feet up while watching a nice movie, he knew he had better - more important- things to do before hand.

"Uhh actually Mom, me and Alex where just about to go outside and you know, uhm do stuff. Yeah." He smiled awkwardly, talking a little too much with his explaining hands - an old habit of his.

"Ooo okay no problem. What are you gonna do?"

"We are going to do, wait I mean we are going to go on a walk. To the beach?" He sort of questioned himself as to where he was going with the story made up on the spot. He was never a good liar and nor did he think he'll ever be. However, with a small shoo with her hands, his Mom dismissed him leaving him to sprint out the door with his half tied shoes as he threw himself into the front seat of his car.

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