Shower || Chapter Nine

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'Giving company to all the lonely hearts'•Lost with you ~ Patrick Watson•

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'Giving company to all the lonely hearts'
•Lost with you ~ Patrick Watson•

He didn't know why he couldn't bring himself to face and tell you what went on behind his closed mind, he somewhat felt ashamed because he wanted to. He let you go for a reason, so why now should he be wanting anything but for you to go? Why did he bring you to his house in the first place? Why did he still care?

All of his life Eli had chosen to raise walls against all people except from ones closest to him, the main person being you. But now even if a person hadn't done a single thing wrong, hawk wanted to hurt them before they could hurt him. That was the main reason why he changed. Sometimes it was harder to control over other times, sometimes things would slip out accidentally leaving him stranded to save himself from digging a deeper whole just to climb back out of. But with you, this time, he seemed to have forgotten all about himself, leaving his past anger take over.

"Just shut up" Eli groaned to himself after hearing his bathroom door click shut. He tore off his sticky shirt, making sure to be careful around the blood damaged skin and threw it down unto the floor, his pants not slow to follow. You where right, what did happen? The scrapes on his back where no longer than a few inches but deeper than any would imagine. He flinched even to look at himself through the mirror, look at his face, his bruises and blood dried cuts.

Usually the sight of this much blood during fight would only get him going stronger but right now it seemed to have made him ten times weaker. He knew it was bad but Eli couldn't help to think how much better he would feel if you were there to kiss them better. Make him feel better overall, but not in any sexual way. He just wanted to be reassured at that moment. He wanted to know that he still had someone who cares. Even if he told himself he wouldn't care back. So, instead of calling down to the room below him, he texted you.

A few quick moments passed and he heard his bedroom door open closing, the sound of your footsteps trailing along the carpeted floor. Eli heard you call from the other side of the door, your voice sounding like familiar heaven to his ears and after he called you to the bathroom it was seconds before you where there right in front of him.

"Uhm, hey." You gave him a soft smile, closing the door behind you. "What's wrong Eli? I've been so worried about you." You asked stepping forward, an automatic frown to your face seeing him in the way he was left. Though, you wasn't fazed at all by his stature, being that he was naked, and even though he didn't say it he respected the way that you didn't mention it. Instead, souly focused on the fact that there was clearly something wrong.

"I'm fine." he shrugged, fingers dancing along the edge of the sink bowl. His voice was tense nd his throat was tight as if he was trying to hold back a cry and because you once knew him so well, you saw it in him immediately. In your situation, you could have easily picked an argument or just left him in that manner. Ever since you had come back, he'd caused nothing but confused feelings and wild dreams - he shouldn't be expecting anything from you. But you where better than that, and you knew deep down he was too. He wouldn't have texted if it wasn't serious, you knew that, he needed you. And you needed him too.

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