"I love you" || Chapter Twenty Four

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'And I want to tell you everything, the words I never got to say the first time around

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'And I want to tell you everything, the words I never got to say the first time around.'
•This Town ~ Niall Horan•

From when it started to where you'd think you would be now, you couldn't have been any further from what the actual truth was. The big wake up call for you was that it wasn't just going to be you and Eli forever. You always seemed to imagine the same thing. But somehow other people seemed to always have to get involved no matter how hard you tried to keep them out of it. Because that was the truth, you both grew apart to an extent where others found their way in.

Borderline, you both loved each other. The highlighted word being loved as not one of you knew what the other was thinking, so you only thought to link that word to the past. But deep down knowing fully well you probably loved Eli right now more than you ever did back then. So what exactly changed between then and now?

Well the answer was simple. You let the negative feelings of not only the both of you but other people too become present and involved. And to forget  about them as well as everything that happened in the first place, you wished could be just blinked away in less than a second and left to turn dust.

It did. You felt it, felt the situation click right into place the moment the two of you kissed. All of those unnecessary people and feelings where indeed forgotten and you felt like you could have lived in that moment forever. And so did he. That's until, of course, the moment came crashing down because of a consequence both caused.


Moon sounded somewhat broken, leaning on her toes to distance the left gap between you. "Are you fucking kidding me right now? Pardon my French, but i'm pretty sure you came here with me. Not. Alex." She raised her voice slightly, having a little to no reaction out of Eli as she bunched handfuls of the blue material she wore to match his tie.

You removed yourself from his arms, him slightly hesitant to let go of you that easily but still doing so as he remembered his promise. You looked from him to her, one wearing a sheepish frown and another a deep glare. He made you look stupid, small, embarrassing yourself to make such a desperate gesture. But the more you thought about it and blamed him, the blame was put on you. If you hadn't have said yes to dance with him, if you wouldn't have just stayed simply with your gut feeling : you wouldn't have been found deeply in the situation you where right then.

"She's, uh, right i should get going. Enjoy your night." You sent a small, disheartened smile to the glaring girl - her eyes softening once realising what right situation she put wrong - before heading your way out of the back doors of the school hall and onto the playing field behind. Hawk wanted to speak out and follow but with one look of moons side eye and the view of your back turned to his way, going against that idea would more than likely save some embarrassment.

The rain had been washing over the building the whole night, though only noticing it now as if it's intent was to promote your soft tears to fall amongst your pale face. The flood lights streamed to make only patterned lines visible on the uneven green as you walked your way to the near shelters from the pour. Instead of a cozy image you'd like to see while listening to rain pour you saw a cold one, contrasting highly as the seeking droplets tingled ever so small to realise that your inner fire was still burning strong for the boy back inside. Oh how you wished that very water could put it out so simple.

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