Broken nose || Chapter Nineteen

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'I hope we're still friends'•Not allowed ~ TV girl•

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'I hope we're still friends'
•Not allowed ~ TV girl•

Walking back outside, you saw that Leo had joined the company of Eli and Demitri, making your heartbeat speed up immediately as non of them where really on the best of terms in the first place. You weren't used to seeing the three boys together - usually Miguel was there taking Leo's place - and remembering how Leo's and Eli's 'meeting' went, you just wanted them to stay out of each other's way for the rest of the evening. Was it bad to wish you never invited Leo in the first place?

And before you were able to verbally confirm and realise that you were more bothered by Leo's presence than Eli's, you were being pulled into the blondie's side.

"Ahh, and here she is my favourite girl, Alex, How's it going?" Demitri grinned only to have you wish he would keep his mouth shut for once in his life. You loved Demitri but with the daggers he wasn't only getting from Hawk but Leo too, you didn't want him to make matters any worse from what they already made out to be.

"Your 'favourite girl', D i'm pretty sure you've only ever met one girl in your life not being me and that would be your mom." You laugh and even though you could tell Hawk didn't want to laugh at your silly remark, you still saw the little string that tugged the edge of his mouth upturned to a smile.

"Hey! Politically speaking, that isn't true. I have Yasmine? ...Yeah Yasmine." He stood his ground, hesitating a little before getting to the girls name but once he said it, growing more confident.

"Yasmine?!?!" You as well as Eli practically shout across the small circle of people you had created, both looking at each other with just as much confusion as one another.

"Long story." Demitri marked, rolling his eyes while talking a little too much with his hands.

"Okay. Whatever. I see you've already met Leo!" You smile, changing the subject completely to the slightly annoyed looking boy stood beside you.

"I have. I'm just waiting until he asks me about some embarrassing childhood stories." Demitri raises his dark brows yours and Leo's way, only making you groan back in irritation.

"I've hit and made you bleed one, Demitri, don't make me do it again." You sent a grin his way, remembering the one time you accidentally hit Demitri with a golf club while spending a summers day at golf 'n' stuff with the three boys.

"You hit him?!" Leo finally piped up.

"No, she just beat him up with a golf club and broke his nose." Eli sniggered, letting his eyes travel along the group until meeting them with your already held upon gaze.

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