The beach || Chapter Twenty Eight

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'I want you to stay'•Stay ~ Rhianna•

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'I want you to stay'
•Stay ~ Rhianna

If a story was to always end where you hoped it would have began with, would there even be a point to read it? Yes, maybe, the thrill is there from that starting queue, the excitement is there. But if the characters that were made to progress were already perfect at the word 'go', there would be no room for development at all. Would there?

Maybe that's what you and Eli needed. That time it took for him to realise what had happened was actually needed for him to develop as a person. The time it took for you to realise that, although you missed him, hawk wasn't what your life depended on was actually needed for you to know yourself as stronger than you actually made yourself out to be. If someone had told you everything happened for a reason just a few weeks ago you would have laughed in their face but now you wanted to hug them. Hug anyone for that matter who believed in whatever you and Eli had would last even through the strangest, darkest, weirdest of times.

Because when the sun came to a slow fall on that night you went away. It was rising a year later. When the gentle sand that turned an autumn orange came to find its way between the crease of each toe and the sky started to turn a shade of deeper blue, you came to realise that all of that time away from one another was the thing to pull you back. Pulling you back to your favourite place to spend in each other's company. Pulling you back to earth when you felt your heart floating away. Pulling you back into Eli's arms.

Pulling you back to the beach.

Upon the primrose sand, the hue as kind on the eye as a vintage photograph, there was a steady warmth and rhythm from the grains that moved if a cool breeze sparked. And still the stars glowed at the early hour as if they where to keep a pocket of the daytime to shine all through the night sky while awake. The beach was your favourite place to go with Eli. Maybe it was because of the gentle spring sun rays of the day that brought energy to your finger tips reminded you of when your skin first touched his. Or maybe because the rhythmic percussion of the deep waves on sand reminded you of his blue fired eyes.

You hadn't really known where things were left with Eli. Before finding him after the fight you where chest deep laying beneath the covers, feeling his feathered breath against your open neck. But even though that happened nothing seemed to really have changed. There was still that look he'd give you to ask if you where okay every time you hadn't smiled for a while. There was still that awkward silence left untreated because you knew that the things you used to talk about, you couldn't seem to get to because of the things you hadn't discussed.

Discussed. That being, what really happened?

Maybe the only place to start a new was where you left things in the first place. You said goodbye here so you can say hello again. But no one said a word just yet. Just yet.

"So..." Eli started, fidgeting with his hands, obviously knowing that this was going to be the part we're he had to finally talk. From his heart. The process of thinking he figured he'd be ready but the prick of your eyes that he couldn't seem to find through the thickness of his worry was doubting. What was he going to tell you? Even with the words of Miguel playing on and on at the back of his mind, he still wouldn't believe that you had loved him instead of Miguel that day. That year. That life.

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