Alex?! || Chapter Twenty One

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'I need you to feel alive

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'I need you to feel alive. I need you to fill the void.'
•Void ~ The neighbourhood•

You where awoken through the thick curtains of your eyelids with nothing but the pure sound of silence. If you'd have known what time the clock was telling that hour, you probably would have tried to go straight back to sleep - nestling back down into the familiar boys arms. But you couldn't seem to get comfortable. No matter how many times you repositioned your limbs to the point where if you moved another muscle the boy lied next to you might have awoken, you still didn't feel right. And knowing the feeling all too well, you knew something was on your mind.

"What's up?" He whispered. He was awake.

You took your time getting used to the heat he had rose freely to the back of your neck, instead turning your whole body around to look at him. Faces inches apart. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." There was something unspoken in the air with not just you but him too. You saw it in the way he couldn't hold his eyes still, or the way his breath cut short from nervousness.

"No. You didn't. I was already awake." Eli promised. His hair now a frizz of dried hairspray and red strands forming fringes to the side of his outlined face. It was as if he was the canvas the moon had painted on, deep shadows gathered at the creases of his features and highlights resting at a glow. He seemed flawless. He was flawless at that moment. You hadn't known whether or not he wanted an answer. Hell, you didn't even concentrate to the extent to know what he said. Your mind was too foggy.

Too foggy for that matter to realise how fast that very gap was closing in between you. Too foggy to see his hand reach to cup your cheek. Until he kissed you. Softly. Passionately. Both knowing not what to do, whether to pull away or to follow your minds words, but settling on an answer wasn't going to change the outcome. You both knew what you wanted. What you needed? And one another was the simplest way to put it.

"Are you sure?" He asked, still keeping tight hold to your cheeks as if you where to flee.

"I'm sure."

His manner changed through blink, smirking at your response before connecting to press your lips back to his. Things moved too quick to even realise it was happening, his lips moving to a new found rhythm. You craved his presence. His tongue was quick to explore your mouth, exaggerated moans and sticky breaths leaving his gasp the more you fought just as much as he. His hands found your hips, pushing you further backwards till your head reached the top of the headboard. His hot kisses ventured to the side of your lips, kissing the small dimples formed to indent your cheeks before slowly trailing their way down your neck. So far, he had ventured no further than your shoulder, but now only past time could tell that part as that thing also was changing.

You could feel the pressure against your inner thigh as Hawk massaged it roughly through the short dress you seemed to still be lay in, though quickly being discarded up and over your head. He took a moment to appreciate the figure that lay beneath him, like such a goddess he could worship till the sun never shone again. His mind running at all kinds of speeds. "God. You make me wanna fuck the life out of you." he hummed, leaning over you again and brushing the strands of hair, now sticking to your forehead, away to the side.

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