Time || Chapter Sixteen

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'When the lights come on and I'm on my own will you be there?"•Can i be him ~ James Arthur•

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'When the lights come on and I'm on my own will you be there?"
Can i be him ~ James Arthur

When it came to you wanting to do or get something done right there and then - it always took you no time at all to actually achieve it. You where determined in all senses known. But right now, at this moment in time, getting what you wanted and seeing who you wanted to see right there and then felt like only a vivid dream.

Miguel had knowingly been awake for 5 hours and still counting. Counting down every single second, then minute, then hour until you where given the all clear to leave school and go see him. A month ago you would have easily just screwed the situation and skipped school - leaving out of the back doors as the cameras where less likely to be left turned on. However, because of the new security patrolling every inch of the place like a wild pack of hungry dogs, you where scared to even step foot into the wrong classroom, never mind skip the whole thing.

So you had to wait. As well as moon too, and following every other kid in the school that loved Miguel just as much as you did. Well maybe not as much but you can get the picture. For the rest of the day time felt like it would have gone on forever and ever, every time you looked at the small clock that hung above your classroom door it had seemed to have only gone backward instead of forward. But the day had to end some day, right? And that time being right as you heard the bell chime from the hallways. Letting you rush out before the teacher could even wish you a good evening as per usual.

And here you where. Now walking through the bland hallways of the hospital you had only ever been to with Eli. But he wasn't why you where here. You had to keep telling yourself that even though you didn't want to. You knew deep down you thought didn't need to, surely. You said goodbye right? Eli wouldn't be in your life forever. But Miguel could be. He was given a second chance. A second chance to do the things he didn't manage to do in the first. And he would need people there to support him, not the other way around. And that's what you would do. Be strong for Miguel.

Because he sure was already staying strong for you. There was that big beaming smile you had missed for all of these lonely weeks. There was that warm little blush painted to perfection on his cheeks. There was Miguel. Still smiling. Still fighting. "Oh my god. Miggy." You practically whispered, a sense of speechlessness catching your tongue. Your joints seemed to move themselves, knowing all to well as you ran into his very arms. His warm embrace bringing tears rim to your eyes, but then almost immediately remembering what you had thought earlier just to wipe them away.

"Ouch. Okay. Alex i think i get it, now get off me you idiot." He laughed as you quickly managed to pull yourself off of him, checking if he was still comfortable with your eyes before you pulled a chair up towards his bed.

"You have no freaking idea how much I've been wanting to see you." You say grabbing onto his hand like he was the last thread holding you from keeping you to float away. "You didn't deserve this Miguel. I hope whoever that Ronny kid is gets life in fucking prison." You mange to get out before Miguel slaps a hand over your mouth while bringing his other index finger up to his.

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