Cartoons || Chapter Five

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'Your head is running wild again my dear we still have everything' •Just give me a reason ~ p!nk•

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'Your head is running wild again my dear we still have everything'
•Just give me a reason ~ p!nk•

Hearing those last few words of Demitri's really made you think. Why did it have to come to that? Yes, Eli was horrible. More than horrible, what he said broke you, after everything you've been through you would have thought he would at least show sympathy before banishing you out of his life. But that didn't give Demitri the right to get involved and call him out in front of all of those people. It just made the whole situation what felt like a million times worse.

You left the party with tears streaming down your face. You hated yourself for crying whenever you got angry. It annoyed you that you seemed so damn vulnerable when all you wanted to do was punch something. And here you where again, whenever you had a spare moment to think you where thinking about him - Eli, acting like he didn't even know who you where anymore. Like he was only waiting till you left so he could have the right excuse to leave you like a memory forgotten.

Eli, on the other hand, only tried to make matters worse "YOU'RE A CORPSE!" He yelled Demitri's way. Anger was spilling from all aspects of his face, not only because Demtri exposed him in front of all those people, but because you came to the party in the first place. And when he heard those strangled shouts that came from you telling Demitri to stop he couldn't help but ball his hands up in a tight fist.

He made his way over to the dark haired boy in front of him, hoping to at least get a few punches in before something worse went down but was stopped dead in his tracks by the Miyagi-dos. Each and every one of them sticking up for Demitri. Pussys.

Eli's hand was snatched away from him, strong grip dragging him to the side of the swarming people. It was Miguel? "You good?" Miguel asked seriously worried about his former friend, fully knowing why Eli was looking so pissed.

The boy who you could once read like an open paged book now hid his emotions well. But still, appearing to Miguel, they still showed when it came to you. Miguel didn't understand why the two of you drifted apart, if anything he thought that the distance would only make you guys stronger. The duo you two created always brought a smile to the room, even in the darkest of days.

"You should offer her a ride home." Miguel said, hesitating slightly as he knew how easy it was now to get on 'Hawks' bad side.

Eli knew that Miguel was talking about you, ever since you walked away his eyes never fled the door you left from. But still he was a different person now, and with that he didn't let himself weaken. "Yeah sure, or i could throw myself off the fucking roof." He snorted, shaking his head.

"You're seriously going to let her walk home right now?"

"She's not my problem anymore Miguel." Eli shrugged.

"And here i was, thinking you can't possibly fuck this up even more than you already have." Miguel raised his voice a little, shaking his head at the boy stood opposite him.

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