Rise of Snakes

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"He's gonna have to do a lot better than use an old bedtime story to scare people." The red ninja said while flinging one of the rubber snakes away from him.

"The serpentine are real, Kai. They are not something to joke about." The white ninja said.

"White ninja's right. You don't want to mess with them either." I added still watching Lloyd on the fountain trying to be like his dad.

"We have names you know." Kai said, crossing his arms.

"I know you have names but that doesn't mean I know what they are." I said crossing my arms while glancing in his direction.

"I'm Jay and this is Cole, Zane, and Kai." Jay said while pointing to the respective guys. I gave a small nod and a smile and continued to watch the boy who was still on the fountain yelling about candy.

"Ok, but serpentine? Real? We're talking about the ancient race of snake people who once ruled Ninjago and were supposedly locked underground?" Kai asked.

"Sealed in five different tombs to separate the warring tribes and ensure they don't unify to exact their revenge upon those who put them there." Jay said.

"It was an old wives' tale to teach kids not to poke our noses where they don't belong. Don't you think it's a little suspicious no one's ever found one of their tombs?" Kai said, and I turned around to them in the middle of his rant.

"That's because you'd be a fool to look for one." Cole and I said together. We glanced at each other before he continued while walking up to Lloyd with the others.

"If there was anything I hated more than dragons, it was snakes, rubber or not." He said as they all picked up Lloyd. "Don't worry, folks. We'll take care of this. Nothing to see here." He continued as they started walking away with the boy shouting in protest.

"What are we supposed to do with him? Spank him?" Kai asked and that made me frown. I know he's a kid who's trying to be evil just like his father, but he's not all bad. He's a very sweet boy trying to make his dad proud.

"AH! You've just made me your nemesis!" Lloyd yelled from his spot in the air. "Mark my words, you'll pay for this!" He yelled again making everyone but me laugh. Zane walked over to the counter and paid for some candy. He gave some to all of the ninja and me as the boys took their hoods off.

"Next time, try paying for your candy." Cole said.

"Crime doesn't pay muchacho. You can take that to the bank." Kai told him and Jay started eating his cotton candy.

"Mmm, cotton candy." Jay said causing Lloyd to squirm around angrily. Everyone started leaving and all of the boys were talking by the wall. I climbed on top of the counter and got Lloyd down. I jumped to the ground and set him on the counter. I gave him the candy that Zane had given me while I put my hand on his cheek for a moment.

"I will get my revenge on the ninja." Lloyd said and started eating the candy.

"Sure you will, Sweetheart. Sure you will." I told him and started stroking his hair. "What do you say we head home, Kiddo?" I asked when he was done with his candy. He shook his head and jumped down from the counter.

"I'm gonna go for a walk." He said walking away. I sighed and headed back to my booth. There were a few people who came up but there weren't many.

"I need to talk to Wu later." I said to myself.

— —

A while later, around noon, Nya walked up to my booth with a smile.

"Hey, Emilia." She said smiling. "I heard what happened with Lloyd. Are you ok?"

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