The Stone Army

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The next day at the Lost City of Ouroboros, the snake army was watching a Slither Pit. They were all cheering, enjoying the fight displayed in front of them. All of a sudden a Rattlecopter flew over the arena, causing the two snakes in the center to run out of the way before it landed. When the Rattlecopter landed, steps were dropped to the ground and a black carpet was rolled out. A snake ran out of the Rattlecopter and set up a chair and an umbrella at the end of the carpet.

"Yep! Ready!" The snake said and held out a drink with a tiny umbrella in it. Garmadon came out of the Rattlecopter causing all of the snakes to hiss and make sounds of surprise. At the end of the carpet, Garmadon sat down and snatched the drink from the snake's hand.

"It's so bright. I never understood how your kind could live in such heat." Garmadon said to the snake generals, attempting, and failing, to block the sun with his hand.

"Lord Garmadon, what brings you to our humble dwelling?" Skalidor asked as they approached.

"The Ninja may have destroyed my Mega-Weapon, but I have an ingenious new plan." Garmadon tells them and takes another sip of his drink. Skales leaned towards Skalidor who was staring blankly at Garmadon.

"Are we still allowing him to be in charge of us?" Skales asks him.

"Earlier, when Pirates mutinied our ship and locked us in the brig, Captain Soto's journal mentioned they had been looking for a fabled dark island created out of evil itself. Once we find it, its concentrated dark powers will help me, I mean, us!" Garmadon stood from his chair, his drink still in hand, and walked closer to the Serpentine generals. "We could rule Ninjago together!"

"Oh, please. You're having us chase after fairy tales now?" Skales mocked, moving away from the other generals.

"Not fairy tales, but a real place that existed long before any of us were around. A place full of untold power." Garmadon said gleefully.

"'Untold power'? Count me in." Skalidor said eagerly.

"A place dripping with evil." Garmadon said to him.

"Evil. Sounds nice!" Skalidor turned to the other two.

"I'm looking for a few brave snakes. Who'll join me?" Garmadon asked them.

"Aye!" They all exclaimed while Skales facepalmed. They all got onto the Rattlecopter with the same snake as before following them. He rolled up the carpet as he ran with the chair and umbrella in his arms. The doors closed and the Rattlecopter took off, leaving the snake army in the stadiums.

— —

In the boys' shared bedroom on the Bounty, their alarm rang for 4 a.m. Cole woke with a start, slamming his head on the top bunk. On the top bunk, Jay rolled over with a groan but screamed as he fell off of his bed and onto the floor. Kai threw a ball at the alarm clock, making it go into a gramophone, only increasing the volume of the alarm. Cole, Kai, Jay, and Lloyd covered their ears while Zane continued snoring, and sound asleep. Emilia watched, thoroughly amused, as this all played out, sipping on her tea and leaning against the doorway. Lloyd sat up and summoned his green energy, throwing a ball of it at the gramophone and alarm clock, successfully stopping the annoying sound and waking up Zane.

"Man, you guys are a mess." Emilia laughed and pushed herself off the doorway. "Don't worry, Lloyd. We have an unlimited amount of alarm clocks so no matter how many you destroy we will always have one." Emilia said and walked towards him with a smile.

"Good morning to you too, Mom." Lloyd said sarcastically and rubbed his eyes.

"Good morning, Munchkin." She said and kissed the top of his head.

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