Pirates vs. Ninja

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We were all awake and contributing to training. At the moment, Kai was wearing oven mitts as punching pads for Lloyd.

"Good, keep it up." Kai told him.

"Fists of fury! Unh!" Lloyd shouted and continued to hit Kai's hands. "You can't even see 'em move, I'm moving so fast! Ha!"

"Save the gloating. It can only be used against you by your enemy." Kai scolded but Lloyd was having none of it.

"Oh, please! I'm ready to face whatever you throw at me." Lloyd told him.

"Oh yeah? Turn!" I kicked at him, making sure that I missed. Lloyd fell back to the floor in surprise. "I'll teach you that when you're older." I told him and helped him off the floor. He turned towards Kai again and kicked him back, making Kai land right next to the stove.

"Whoa, grasshopper. You're not even ready to face my pinky toe." Kai wiggled his toes for emphasis. We all then heard Wu loudly sipping his tea.

"I see the student has become the teacher. You will learn fast, Lloyd, with lessons from the four ninja." I cleared my throat. "And your mother." He added.

"Great, now that that lesson is over, how about some target practice..." Cole looked over to Kai. "...on Kai!" He then adds, making Kai look panicked. Wu quickly cuts in.

"You'll each get your turn, but first, I don't want you to be late for your next lesson with Nya." Wu told him. I walked over to Kai to help him up while Lloyd began to show his disappointment.

"Aw! But when will I learn Spinjitzu?" Lloyd asked him.

"Ah, patience. It will only be unlocked when the key is ready to be found." Wu responded. Lloyd sighs in frustration and goes to find Nya.

"Ha! Sound familiar?" Cole asked us.

"I wasn't that whiny." Kai told us all, making us turn to him.

"No, you were worse." Zane told him.

"And cockier." I whispered to him. He glares at me in response as Jay starts laughing.

"Guys, I know we're trying to prepare Lloyd for the future, but it's hard to give him the best training in these conditions." Jay pointed out to us.

"Jay's right. I miss Destiny's Bounty. Too bad it's gone." Cole looked at the floor.

"Hm. I see your point. Perhaps we could find somewhere else to aid in his journey." Wu agreed immediately.

— —

We were all on the streets of Ninjago City, next to a bus stop pole which is missing its sign.

"It's time we search Ninjago City for a more suitable place to train Lloyd." Wu told us.

"Oh, but sensei, Ninjago City is huge. It'll take us all day to find it on foot." Jay said.

"And without our golden weapons we have no Spinjitzu vehicles. How are we going to get around town?" Zane pointed out. I smirked, already knowing what he was about to tell them just by the place we were at.

"You'll learn to travel with these." Wu pulled out a bus token, confusing the others immediately. The boys walked closer trying to get a better look.

"What are those?" Cole asks.

"They can transport you anywhere you want to go in the city." Wu explained to them.

"Like a magic portal?" Cole grinned.

"Ooh! Or a Spinjitzu vortex?" Jay suggested. Cole took a step closer and took the coin from Wu.

"Hey, wait a minute, these are bus tokens." Cole realized. Wu and I began to chuckle and Cole raised a brow at us. He then looked through the hole in the token in confusion.

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