The Royal Blacksmiths

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The guys told me that I have to stay on the Bounty because the venom hasn't worn off yet. Ha! As if. I feel completely fine. So I resorted to cleaning while I waited for the others to return. Of course, that probably wasn't a good idea. Okay, maybe the guys were right. I'm not better yet but I don't know why it's taking the venom so long to wear off. I don't know.

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A couple hours later I took a shower, listened to music, drank some special tea, and meditated but none of it worked. I'm starting to lose hope.

— —

I got bored and went with Nya to the competition. I do believe I cheered the loudest. I went with Cole's dad, Lou, to see the boys backstage.

"Cole!" Lou shouts.

"Zane!" I shout and start running towards him. I trip and almost fall but he catches me. "Oh, I hate this.You looked like cotton candy on stage and now you look like a freaking goblin." I pout and put my face in his neck. He chuckles and lays his head on mine, rubbing my back.

"Dad?" Cole asks.

"I saw it all, son. I saw it all." Lou says. Cole runs to him and hugs him.

"You saw me dance?" Cole asks.

"More importantly, I saw you fight. Those Serpentine were up to no good, trying to steal the show, and I saw you stand up for what is right. I was wrong. I shouldn't have pushed you so hard to follow in my footsteps. Everyone is born with a special talent inside that's just waiting to get out." The boys and I walk closer to the two. "And you were born to be a ninja." Lou says.

"You're not mad?" Cole asks.

"How can I be? My son's a hero." Lou cheers.

"Ehh, sorry to interrupt your little family reunion, but did you know, it's me, Pythor?" The chicken said.

"You couldn't fool us, Pythor." Cole says. Zane had me stand with Lou so I wouldn't get hurt.

"I didn't want you to miss our big show stopper." Pythor signals for two Constrictai to push a crate, causing some lights to fall which were above Lou and I. We scream and Lou falls, me falling on top of him. Cole runs towards us.

"Dad! Emilia!" He yells and jumps onto us, protecting us from the falling lights. There's a bright light and I hear Cole grunting. There's a loud bang and Cole grabs me before grabbing his dad.

"How did we survive that?" Lou asks. "Son?"

"Cole's found his true potential. His relationship with his father must have been holding him back." Zane points out.

"He's indestructible!" Jay shouts. I jump down from the pile and Zane catches me.

"Those are some pretty lights." I say as he sets me down. He nods and places a hand on my back.

"Is everyone alright? What just happened?" Cole asks.

"We're all okay, son." Lou says.

"You glowed a super pretty color, that's what happened." I shouted.

— —

I was sent back with Nya to the Bounty and she kept me company while the boys hung out at Cole's dad's house.


Word Count: 531

I'm sorry about the real short chapter but it wasn't my favorite episode so I tried to write it quickly. I'm gonna post two chapters today to make up for it though. Again, I'm really sorry.

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