Rise of the Great Devourer

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We were sailing through a storm and Wu and I were in his meditation room with spirit sticks in front of us. The image of the ninja fighting the Serpentine with their golden weapons appear. The image then changes to Wu and I standing in front of Pythor. Wu is holding his bo staff in Pythor's face and I am creating lightning in the palms of my hands, right behind Wu. We then hear growling and turn around to see the Great Devourer shooting up into the sky, before diving towards all three of us, swallowing us whole. Wu and I gasp, opening our eyes. We glance at each other with sorrowful looks on our faces.

"Our destinies will be ending soon." I whisper. He nods in response and we get up close our eyes again, trying to see something else that will happen, but we cannot see anything else. I give up and walk to my room until we're almost there.

"Will everyone please place their seat back and tray table in the full upright and locked position? We have reached our destination: Torchfire Mountain. Give it a minute while we settle into position." Nya says. I walk onto the deck and stop when I see Wu looking over the edge. I slowly join him and close my eyes. The guys then come out, each holding one Fangblade.

"Ah! It's roasting out here."Jay says.

"Heh. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." Kai jokes.

"Hey, what's with sensei and Emilia?" Jay asks. I then feel all of their eyes on us.

"I do not know. They have been distant all morning. And Emilia isn't like that unless something is on her mind." Zane says. Wu then sighs.

"It is beautiful, is it not?" Wu comments. The boys start walking to us, all of them in their ninja suits.

"Sensei, Emilia, we are ready for the destruction of the Fangblades, yet you both seem disinterested." Zane comments.

"You do not need our approval to finish the task." Wu tells them.

"Uh, but sensei--" Jay starts but Wu sharply cuts him off.

"Butts are for sitting. And besides, there will come a time when you will have to go on without me." Wu says leaving me out of it. I turn to him, a deep frown on my face.

"Sensei, you're talking crazy. You've been alive for like forever." Kai says and Cole hits his shoulder.

"What he is trying to say is you are like the sunrise. We cannot begin a day without you." Zane tells him.

"Ah, but even the sun must go down so a new day begins." Wu says.

"I don't like metaphors. What are you trying to say? Are you leaving us again?" Cole asks him.

"In meditation, my smoke visions have come to an end and tomorrow, I cannot see. This worries me." Wu clarifies. Jay speaks up, trying to be optimistic.

"But it could be a good omen, you know. We destroy the fangblades, then everything's gravy." Jay tries.

"Let's just get rid of them, for good." Wu tells them. I sigh and walk to the training room where I knew Lloyd was. I walked in to see him tied to a punching bag with tape over his mouth. I untie his sleeves and rip the tape off of his mouth. "Lloyd, who did this to you?" I ask. There's a bang and the Bounty starts to tilt to the side. Lloyd runs over to the intercom and presses the button.

"Pythor's on board!" Lloyd yells. I gasp and we both run out onto the deck to see Pythor holding all of the Fangblades and the boys, including Wu, are all hanging onto each other at the end of the plank. I'm behind a corner waiting for the right time to come out as Pythor turns towards Lloyd with a bored look on his scaly face. "Where do you think you're going?" Lloyd asks him.

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