All of Nothing

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We were all chasing after a Venomari snake but the Venomari stopped after he saw Zane. Zane threw his shurikens onto the ground, creating a layer of ice covering the sidewalk. This made the snake turn around but he stopped again when he noticed a ball of electricity. When the electricity disappeared, Jay was standing there and started swinging his nunchucks. I came out from behind Jay and the snake ran into an alley where Kai was. I used my wind to make him fall by some crates and Kai used his fire to come into view. The snake tried running away but Cole blocked the exit. The snake fell and tried to back away from all of us but bumped into Kai's legs. We all circled the snake and I was smirking under my mask from my position beside Zane.

"Going somewhere?" Cole asked as the boys put their weapons in front of the snake as I made ice balls in my hand.

"Uh oh." The snake gulped.

"Thought you could joyride through town and not be noticed, huh? Where's the last Fangblade?" Jay asked. The snake scoffed and turned his head.

"I don't know what you're talking about." It said.

"You know what it is. The fourth Fangblade. When Pythor finds them all, he plans to unleash the Great Devourer." Kai tells him.

"Oh. That Fangblade. Ha-ha. You're too late. Pythor's already there now. He's probably already digging it up. If I were you, I'd start preparing for the worst, because when the Great Devourer is awakened, there will be nothing it won't consume." The snake exclaims.

"Won't that mean it'll consume you too?" Zane asks. The snake blinks, thinking about what Zane just said.

"Ah! Please, you have to stop him. That snake is crazy. I don't wanna unleash the Great Devourer. I'm a snake, not food." The snake begged.

"Is it really too late to stop Pythor from getting the last Fangblade?" Kai asked.

"You're days behind him. There's gotta be something else you can do." The snake continued to freak out. We all looked at each other and went back to the Bounty.

— —

We were all in the bridge, looking at the map which was on the big screen. Nya was up front with the four boys behind her, and I was standing in the back next to Garmadon.

"The Venomari's right. By the time we cast sail clear across to the other side of Ninjago, Pythor will have already beat us to the last Fangblade." Nya tells us.

"Oh, come on, guys. This is the last one. We gotta get it. We gotta think of something." Jay says. Cole hums as Lloyd walks in.

"Hey. All we have to do is just get one Fangblade to stop him. What if we take back the other three? Pythor wouldn't risk having them all on him. He's probably hidden them somewhere, while he goes for the fourth." Lloyd tells everyone. I hum and look at him with pride, leaning closer to Garmadon.

"He gets that from his mother." I whisper to him. He nods and hums in agreement.

"It's so simple." Cole says.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Kai asks.

"Because you're not the Green Ninja." I smirk. He sticks his tongue out at me, making me laugh.

"It can't be that easy." Jay says.

"Easy? My algorithms suggest taking the other three would be far more dangerous. Pythor would undoubtedly have them protected by his top generals." Zane says.

"Ha, finally, I don't have to hold back." Kai says and pumps his fist. Garmadon then steps forward, making the others look at him.

"Even if you could steal the other three, you don't even know where they are." Garmadon points out.

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