Lesson Thirteen

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"I'm not sure what my weekend plans are yet, why?" Hinata answered as she closed her locker door, turning to you.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go shopping this Friday," You answered, straightening up from leaning against the locker next to hers as the two of you began walking down the hallway, "Have you started looking for Naruto's present yet?"

She shook her head. "No," She blushed, "To be honest, I'm not really sure what to get him."

You have jokingly suggested, "You could always go with ramen."

She gave a quiet laugh. "No, we practically eat that every night. It should be something special, right?"

You nodded, "Yeah, I guess so."

You were in just about the same boat as her. It had been days since your conversation with Kakashi, and since then, the days continued to steadily grow colder. The countdown for Christmas was on, but you had no idea what to get him. Despite all these months together, you were still unsure as what to get him for a present. And, Hinata was right. Especially since it was your first Christmas together, it should be something meaningful and memorable. 

But what?

"Well, maybe when we go out, we can get some better ideas," You chuckled, "Until then, we'll have to keep brainstorming."

She gave a bright smile. "Right!"


"I'm heading out," You called out over your shoulder as you slid on your shoes, steadying yourself on the hallway wall by the door. 

Kakashi peaked around the corner curiously, slightly surprised to see you go. "You're leaving?"

"I told you the other day I was heading out this evening with Hinata," You explained.

He stared at you momentarily, trying to rack his brain for when you told him this. His silence told you everything, and it was easy to read him as his expression turned from confusion to realization.

You raised an eyebrow. "Did you forget?"

He gave a nervous laugh and scratched the back of his head. "...Maybe?"

You chuckled at his answer. Clearly, you were right on the nose. 

"I'll be back in a few hours," You said as you grabbed your wallet, "Do you want me to pick up dinner on the way back?"

He shook his head. "I can order delivery, no worries."

You shrugged as you opened the door, "If you say so. See you!"

"Take care," He waved back and watched as the door closed behind you. 

From the apartment, you took the bus to the center of town, where most of the shops were located. Buildings lined the streets of Konoha, string lights of varying colors tying and connecting them together. The shops were decorated with banners and signs in greens, reds, and yellows. More people bustled about than normal, all likely out with the same goal in mind as you. Weaving through the crowds, you searched for the familiar purple hair color of your friend.

Finally, you spotted Hinata waiting on the corner of the street where you said you'd meet. She likewise made eye contact and waved you over.

"Ready?" You asked.

She nodded, and your shopping journey began.

Many of the stores around you seemed to be having some sort of holiday sales going on, so you investigated those first in hopes of maybe finding a good deal. Hinata found one or two small knickknacks for Naruto to start with, but you were still striking out. Nothing seemed to satisfy your need for perfection for this gift.

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