Lesson Four

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Two weeks passed, and the two of you fell into a rhythm of getting ready and living together. Sometimes he would tell you to go on ahead, and sometimes he would drive you to school if he felt like being on time. You would both go home together, and you would get started on your homework at the table, and he would often just read on the couch.

You had an unusually stressful day at school. Sakura and Sasuke were no longer on speaking terms, it seemed, and poor Ino. Her father had gotten the disease, and he had passed away recently.

It was finally Friday again, and that meant you had the weekend to relax and such. School had finished, too, and so Kakashi was taking you home. Often, he would ask you about your day, and you would tell him about how school was and such. Whenever you would ask him about his day, he would just say that it was fine or something along those lines.

Today was a silent ride, and neither of you really spoke. You both just kept your eyes on the road ahead. You gave a quiet sigh.

To be honest, we've been married for the past couple of weeks, but even so...

You turned to look at him.

I know nothing about him. Absolutely nothing. Sure, we've talked, but it's casual conversation. I haven't learned much of anything about him. I want to know more, more about my husband. What he likes, what he dislikes, what hopes for. Maybe tonight I'll ask him. I want to see if he would be willing to spend time with me. I feel weird, though, having to ask him such a thing. I feel like that shouldn't be something I have to ask for, but at this rate, it will be.

"What is it?" He asked, glancing down at you with his dark eyes and breaking you out of your thoughts.

"Nothing, really," You faced forward, unable to find the words you wanted to ask, "It's just... Well... What do you plan on doing tonight?"

"Not much, why?"

"Just wondering," You shrugged.

I wasn't able to ask him, darn...

You returned home and followed him as he went in. Hours passed, dinner came and went, and now you two were sitting on the couch together. You were at one end, and he was at the other.
He was in the middle of his book, as he always was. You couldn't help but watch as his eyes scrolled across the pages. He seemed so concentrated.

"Um... Kakashi-sensei?"


"Would it be okay if... if we talk for a while?" You asked, your heart beginning to race.

"What for?"

"I don't know," You shrugged, "I just want to talk to you, because we talk, yes, but I want to get to know more, Sensei. I mean... We live together, we're married," Your heart skipped at 'married,' "I don't know anything about you. I don't know what you like, what you dislike, what your hobbies are, what you want for the future. I don't know, and I want to. I really want to, so please..."

He stared at you for a moment. He had been thrown off guard, slightly, but he reeled himself in and gave a small smile, putting down his book.

"What about you?"

"What?" You asked, confused.

"What are your likes, dislikes, hobbies?"

"Mine? Well..." You thought for a moment, "I like books, music, food, sleep, long walks on the beach..."

He gave you an odd look.

You had to laugh. "I'm kidding about the last part."

"If, one day, I took you there, would you like that?" He asked, staring at the wall opposite of where you two sat, in a strangely serious tone.

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