Lesson One

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You glanced around the classroom nervously. Everyone was chattering about it, talking amongst themselves with worry, excitement, hoping to get the partner of their choice. It was the day. Today was the day you would get your marriage partners.

Mostly everyone was nervous about who they would be paired up with, and you were all worried about the compatibility of you and your partner. It was a horrifying thought to be stuck with someone you disliked.

How did you get yourselves into this, the situation of everyone having an arranged marriage? The disease. It was all the disease's fault. It came out of no where. One day everything was fine, and the next people were dying, practically dropping dead because the disease moved so fast. It devastated everything. It killed thousands in Konoha, all adults. It left children and teenagers unaffected but instead went after the adult population.

The number of adults was dwindling, so in order to replenish and rebuilt society, a law had been passed. All students were to be married during their senior year of high school. Their partners were to be chosen at random and they were required to have a child, and that's what made it so scary.

Anger and sadness swelled in at the thought of the disease, and painful memories were recalled. You, like dozens, probably hundreds or maybe thousands, had lost loved ones to the disease. Although it was almost a month now since your father's death and several since your mother's, it haunted your thoughts, night and day. Many nights you had stayed up until your eyes were red and puffy from tears that it seemed you shed too often.

I can't believe this, You thought to yourself, this is the all fault of that damned disease.

You sighed, pushing those thoughts out of your head. You had promised your father in his final moments that today would be a day off change, a fresh start. No matter what, you would start your life anew, and that was what you intended to do.

You glanced around the room as people nervously conversed. You sat in the back corner, distanced slightly from everyone else chatting in their groups of friends. You were fine with that. It was your last few moments of being alone and single for the rest of your life.

At the front, Ino and Sakura sat, and next to their table sat Sasuke. At the table next to yours, Hinata took a seat beside Neji.

"Are you ready for today?" She asked you in her quiet, timid voice.

You nodded. "I suppose. I mean, I'm ready as I'll ever be."

"Me, too."

Soon, Orochimaru walked in, and everyone settled down and sat down. You all shifted anxiously in your seats.

"Alright, is everyone here?" He asked, glancing at an attendance list in his hand.

You all glanced to each other.

"Everyone's here," Kiba responded.

"Very well, let's begin," Orochimaru sighed and put the attendance list down and opened a folder, the folder that held all of your destinies.


Naruto burst into the room, panting, late for this important day.

"Naruto, please sit down," Orochimaru instructed.


He glanced around the room for an empty seat, and the only one he could find was the one next to Sasuke.

You watched as he walked over and took a seat next to him. Typical Naruto.

Sasuke glanced at him. "You're late."

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