Lesson Nine

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"Damn it!" Obito yelled as began to run after the escape car.  

"Obito!" Kakashi called after him, "Don't run after them!"

He halted and glared back at him. "What?! Do you realize what you just said?" He asked, upset.

"Yeah..." Kakashi nodded, "We need to contact the proper authorities to handle this."

"But by then it could be too late!" Obito protested, "Rin could be dead by the time police get involved!"

It wasn't hard to see how distressed Obito was. After all, Rin had always been a good friend of his. Kakashi had always been distanced from the rest of his classmates ever since what happened to his father, but after having put in a group with them for a project in school, they soon became friends with him. Because of this, Kakashi knew that he would have to remain calm for the both of them and be the voice of reason.

"They'll use her as a bargaining chip to either make sure we don't say what we saw or to get a ransom," Kakashi rationalized, "They won't kill her right away."

"You're assuming Rin's safety on baseless assumptions! What if those guys just now are lackeys who don't give a damn?!" Obito asked angrily, "We have to try and go after them before they go too far!"

"We can't get involved in this more than we already have."

"We're already in this too deep! Plus, we owe it to her! She's helped us so many times whether it was school or a personal problem."

"We would help best by contacting the police," Kakashi sighed, knowing that they were wasting time.

Obito pulled his arm back and punched Kakashi across his face, sending him to the ground. "You bastard!"

Kakashi sat up and rubbed his face where he was hit. "I don't care. Go on if you want. You're only endangering yourself."

Obito scoffed. "Forget it. You and I have been like oil and water from the start, and the only reason we're 'friends' is because of Rin, and I'm going after her. Goodbye, Kakashi."


"I called one of the teachers I trusted most, Minato," He continued, "Though he told me to stay put, I still went after them. I caught up with Obito and we found the van outside of a cave way out of the village. We thought we could confront them again, but we were wrong. That's how I got this," He touched his face where the scar ran down, "All three of us would be dead if Minato hadn't shown up. But just as it looked like we'd escape..." His voice trailed off as he looked past you, in the distance.

"Then what..?" You asked cautiously.

"He couldn't escape. They got him," He said vaguely.

It was easy to tell it was hard for him to recollect these memories. You could see tears welling in his eyes. You almost regretted asking. It hurt to see him carry such grief, even after all this time. To comfort him, you gently took his hand closest to you into yours.

"We ended up getting caught up in something we shouldn't have, and we were just kids. We were in the wrong place at the wrong time." He confessed shakily, "But it ended up killing Obito."

"W-what happened to Rin? She got out safe at least, right?" You pressed on carefully, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

He hesitated before answering. "It devastated her. She blamed herself. Several months later, she took a whole bottle of pills. I found her. I tried getting help. I tried to keep her with me, but by the time the ambulance came and we got to the hospital, it was too late. I-I was too late..."

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