Lesson Six

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The entire ride home, your face held a warm, red glow to it. You hadn't stopped blushing at all, your face continuously feeling like it was radiating heat. The kiss had been sweet, chaste, but it also had felt fleeting, like you never knew when it was going to happen again.

Kakashi took a small glance down over at you. Even though by now it was dark, he could tell how much you were blushing. He laughed to himself quietly. If you were blushing this much from a simple kiss, then think about how much you would blush when he...

He stopped himself mid-thought. That was a thought that hadn't come up before. Of course he knew to make a baby, one has to do the 'deed,' but it hadn't sunk in that much yet, the fact that it would be you. Suddenly he felt old, too old. It hit him almost simultaneously that you were much younger than he was. He knew this fact, but it slipped his mind when he was with you. Pain pulled at his chest. He would just have to accept this. There was nothing he could do to change it.

You glanced up, noticing the furrow of his eye brows. "What's wrong?" You asked, suddenly and inwardly desperately hoping that he wasn't regretting tonight.

"Nothing," he just smiled and kept on driving, keeping it all to himself.


On Sunday night, you received a call from Ino saying to meet her and Sakura early before school started, so that following morning you woke up a little earlier and headed out the door sooner than usual. You found them sitting on a bench in front of the school building.

When Ino saw you, she scooted toward the middle to make room for you to sit. Sakura turned toward you, but Ino kept her head down, saying she had to tell you something.

As she fidgeted, she said unexpectedly, "I'm pregnant."

The words went in your ears, but somehow got lost on the way to your brain. You were sure you hear her right, anyway. When it finally clicked, you were struck with shock and amazement.


She looked up at you. "Yeah, I am."

"Wow..." You were stunned, "How do you feel? Are you okay?"

"To be honest, I'm scared. When I found out, I was freaking out, but Sakura helped me get a grip on it. It's sunk in now, sort of, so I'm also actually pretty happy about it," She had a small smile crack upon her lips, "I figured now that I've calmed down, I can start telling people, and I wanted to tell you personally next."

You felt really happy about that.

"Have you told Sai yet?" You then asked.

She nodded and the smiled widened some more. "Yeah, he's more scared than I am."

You laughed quietly and then hugged her. "That's amazing. Congratulations!"

"Thanks," She replied and gratefully accepted it.

A baby is a huge responsibility, and she and Sai were the first couple to expect. So, they had a lot of pressure on them now. You were willing to help out in anyway you could.

It wasn't long before students started pouring in to the school, and you three went to class. Typically, Kakashi was late. Again. You just shook your head at him as he began class, wondering what even makes him late in the first place.


You couldn't really sleep yet that night. Your thoughts turned over explanations of why Kakashi was always late. Before, you had just accepted his chronic tardiness, but it has been about over a month, and you still don't know what causes his lateness.

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