Lesson Eight

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Kakashi was suddenly grabbed around the neck with the crook of Guy's elbow as Guy pulled him off you and dragged him off to the side to have a quick man-to-man talk.

"Yo, you could've warned me not to come over," Guy hissed but instantly changed his demeanor, "But, what can I say? The power of youth is strong. Besides, I thought you said you had screwed up or something when I called asking why you weren't in school, so I brought this."

He held up a brown paper bag, which it was easy to assume it had alcohol of some sort in it.

"It's generally polite if you knock before you enter someone's home," Kakashi commented in a hushed voice to him.

"There's also this thing called a lock," Guy smirked, "You use it took keep people out if you were 'bisecting the triangle.'"

Kakashi sent him a glare and smacked him upside the head. "You're too much of a math teacher."

The next thing you knew, Kakashi was sitting once again at the end of the couch by your feet, and Guy was sitting in an armchair. There was an awkward silence, the two guys having polite smiled plastered on their faces again.

It didn't help that this awkwardness had started with Guy barging in, but it felt this was more so for you because he was one of your teachers and not so much a friend. However, because he was a good friend of Kakashi's, you guessed that made you both sort-of friends. The lines were kind of blurred there.

"Now that that's taken care of," Guy said, grinning as per usual, "(f/n), I don't think I've ever talked to you in an informal setting."

"No," You gave a quiet, nervous laugh, "I suppose not, Guy-sensei."

"Well, you don't have to call me 'sensei' here. I'm sure the same is for you and Kakashi."

"Actually, that was kind of hard habit to break," You smiled slightly, cheeks slightly red, embarrassed.

"It was, wasn't it?" Kakashi laughed some and turned towards you, "It took you a couple weeks."

You nodded, inwardly realizing that you now could share memories with him. It gave you a warm feeling.

"You told me to call you just by your first name, but it felt weird for a while."

Guy leant back in his chair. "I can see where it would be strange. But! In any case, Kakashi," He turned towards him and held the bag up, "Don't make this go to waste."

"Fine, fine," He sighed and stood up, "Just a moment, though."

He turned walked out to the bathroom. You turned your gaze after watching him leave to Guy, who was smiling at you, which made you jump slightly.


"You know, (f/n)," Guy leant forward, elbows on his knees, head in his hands, "Kakashi really likes you."

Your face grew hot. "W-what?"

You weren't sure what he was trying to get at.

"He hasn't said anything out right, but I can tell. He's changed," His demeanor changed to something resembling thoughtfulness, "Whatever happened today really scared him. I dunno the details, but you're something he wants to hold on to."

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