Abby Dahlkemper- Secret Love

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Mia's POV
As I was finishing up my shift I quickly got my stuff together as I was supposed to be picking up the kids.
"Hey Sargeant Bailey," I heard so I looked to see officer Reyes so I stopped and looked at him.
"Yes Officer Reyes," I said.
"Is it alright if I get tomorrow off?" He asked.
"You'll have to ask Sargeant Smith because I'm off tomorrow," I said.
"Oh alright Sarg, I'll see you later," He said and I nodded going out and starting my vehicle driving towards the elementary school in the van.

When I got there Tyler climbed into the back seats.
"Hey kiddo, how was your day," I asked looking at my son.
"Good, Mommy but me and Kay have been talking and we want to know why Mama is hiding us from being her family, does she even love us?," Our oldest Tyler who is 5 asked.
"Of course she loves all of you, Mama is just going through a lot but she loves us all and when she's ready we'll tell the whole world about our amazing kiddos," I said starting towards the daycare to pick up the others.

When I got there I got out and helped Tyler out as he followed me in holding my hand as we went to get the kids.
"Mommy!" The twins yelled running for me first and I hugged the two 4 year olds tightly.
"Hey Kayla, hey Kaden, how are my babies?" I asked.
"Good Mommy," they said before the last 2 were joining us.
"Mommy!" Our 2 year old Isabella and our 1 year old Zack said and I picked them both up.
"Oh I'm so glad to have all my babies," I said as we started walking out and I went to situating them all in the van.
"So since Mama has a game tomorrow and I just so happened to get tomorrow off... I was thinking we could surprise Mama at her game tomorrow," I said.
"Really?!" Issy said.
"Yeah but don't tell Mama we want it to be a surprise," I said as I was driving towards our house.

As I was getting supper ready and the kids were off playing.
"Hey Sweetheart," I heard Abby say as she wrapped her arms around my waist from behind and pressed her front against my back as I continued on finishing dinner.
"Hey honey, I really missed you today," I said turning my head to kiss her and she returned the kiss before I went back to finishing the food.
"So apparently Tyler and Kayla have been talking," I said as she started kissing my neck.
"Oh yeah, about what?" She mumbled as she kept planting kisses.
"About why your hiding us," I said and she stopped completely pulling away.
"Yeah right, your probably the one who wants to keep bringing this up," She said and I sighed.
"Ok whatever, we just won't talk about it then," I said and she huffed before walking out.
"Mommy?" I heard and looked to see Kayla trying not to cry.
"What's wrong baby?" I asked putting the spoon down and turning to her and she ran into my arms and I picked her up holding her as I took the food off the burner as it was done.
"Can we go for a walk?" She mumbled into my neck.
"Of course we can baby," I said walking towards the front door.
"Dinner is ready, you all can eat but me and Kay are going for a quick walk and we will be back soon," I said carrying her out the front door and starting our walk while carrying her.
"I'm sorry Tyty and me made you and Mama fight," Kayla mumbled looking at me as the tears were falling.
"It's not you or Tyty's fault baby, Mama and I are just having a disagreement but it would never be any of you kids fault do you understand me," I said and she nodded.
"Is it because of you being a cop that Mama doesn't want everyone to know?" Kayla asked and I stopped walking looking at her.
"Why do you say that?" I asked.
"Because Tyty said that some cops are bad people and take down good guys but your good right Mommy?" She asked.
"Of course I am baby, I would never go after a good guy and girl," I said and she smiled and I started wiping away her tears.
"Hey Sargeant Bailey!" I heard and looked to see some of the boys I played basketball with sometimes.
"Richie I'm off duty man, please call me Mia," I said walking over to the boys.
"What brings you over this way?" Jackson asked and I looked at the 5 boys who were all different colored from me but that didn't matter I still loved them like my own sons.
"Oh I don't live far from here," I said.
"And who's this?" Timmy asked and I looked at my daughter who was confused.
"Oh well boys I'd like you to meet my 4 year old daughter Kayla, Kayla these are some of the boys Mommy plays basketball with that's Timmy, that's John, that's Jackson, that's Richie, and this last guy is Isaac," I said.
"Well it's nice to meet you Kayla, your Mom is a very good person and an even better cop," John said.
"Aww thanks John, I'm really glad to see you boys. You think you got time for a game of b-ball tomorrow I'm off duty," I said.
"We've got time, but we have to be back before the NC Courage because we got tickets to the game," Isaac said.
"Oh Mommy, me, and my siblings are going to the game too," Kayla said.
"Oh great! We'll see you tomorrow Sarg?" Richie said.
"Yep see you boys tomorrow," I said walking back towards the house while they went the opposite way.

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