Mal Pugh- The Secret Pt. 3

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Riley's POV
"Oh well I'm glad to know that you weren't defiling my little sister," Bri said as we got up.
"Can you stop saying that sis," Mal said rolling her eyes before pulling her into a hug.
"Hey Mal, don't forget about us," Andi said and I looked at Mal's friends Andi Sullivan, Megan Massey, Berkleigh Smith, Tatum Barton, and Peyton Joseph and she smiled moving to hug them.
About halfway through breakfast there was a knock on the door.
"Oh I hope you guys don't mind, some more people joining us," I said going and opening the door for Kelley, Hope, Ali, Ash, Allie, Carli, Alex, and Tobin.

"So do you guys know that the first time Mal introduced me to her as girlfriends?" Bri asked and I blushed.
"No," the girls said.
"Well we have to get going it was great seeing you two and congrats," Mal's parents and best friends left.
"So what happened?" Kelley asked.
"Well I went to my sister's place to hang out but when I knocked on the door she didn't answer so I used the key she gave me and when I walked in she was over my sister on the couch with her shirt off until I screamed and they broke apart," Bri said and they all laughed.
"Alright let's play dare or dare," Tobin said.
"Yes," everyone except Mal and I said.
"Ok Mal Dare or Dare?" Kelley asked.
"Dare...," Mal said grabbing a hold of my hand.
"I dare you to call Julie and ask how to sync up your period with your girlfriend," Kelley said.
"Fiancé and wait... you can do that?" Mal asked.
"Yeah," everyone said and Mal looked at me and I nodded.
"Why haven't we done it yet?" Mal asked and I blushed.
"Well we haven't been together long enough to do that," I said.
"Alright just call," Tobin said so Mal pulled out her phone calling Julie.
"Hey Jules," Mal said standing up and going into the bathroom and I followed shutting the door behind us as she put it on speaker phone.

J- Hey Mal, whatcha need?
M- Well... I was just wondering if you knew how to sync up periods
J- Oh you called the right person, how far apart are you two? *Mal and I looked at each other*
M- A week
J- Oh that's easy just stop taking your pills for a week and give it until the next month and you guys should have it around the same time
M- Thanks Jules
C- Really Jules, do you realize what you just did?
J- No... what did I do?
C- You just told our little Mal here how to get laid more *Mal and I blushed
M- Well... I've got to go

Mal hung up and looked at me.
"Well looks like I'll just have to suffer without my pill next week," Mal said.
"I'll be right there with you babe," I said pulling her into me kissing her.
"I love you so much baby," Mal said hugging me tightly.
"I love you so much too babe," I said before we went out to the others.

"Alright Dare or Dare Riley?" Tobin asked.
"Dare," I said.
"I dare you to call your mom and tell her the refrigerator is running joke," Tobin said and I just smiled going into the bathroom.

M- Hello?
R- Is your refrigerator running?
M- Who is this and why are you calling with a restricted number?
R- Is your refrigerator running?
M- Yes...
R- Well then you better go catch it

After I hung up I took a little bit to compose myself before going back out to the others and I sat down next to Mal and she gently rubbed my back.
"Malllllll!!" We all heard and there was a pounding on the door.
"Oh that's probably Sonnett, Linds, Rose, Sammy, and Abby," Kelley said jumping up and opening the door letting them in.
"Oooo who's this hottie?" The shorter blonde said and the taller blonde hit her.
"She's not wrong," The brown haired girl said.
"Let's play 7 minutes in heaven but get to know each other instead," The blonde said.
"Emily that is a great idea," Kelley said.
"I'm sorry guys... can I sit this one out," I said.
"Why you afraid someone's going to ask about your family?" Carli asked and I tensed up.
"No I just don't really like talking about myself," I said trying to play it off.
"Oh really?...," Hope said before there was a knock on the door so I jumped up.
"I'll get it," I said going and opening the door before being slammed against the wall and I heard gasps.
"Hey Brady," I groaned as he held my arms up at an awkward angle behind my back.
"What the hell were you thinking," Bradyn said through gritted teeth.
"Oh come on it was just a joke, you do remember what those are don't you," I said and he flipped me so we were facing each other now.
"Of course I do but you know what she's like," Bradyn said.
"Bradyn can you open the door please," I heard her voice and Bradyn leans over opening the door and she walks in.
"Hello Jackie," I said.
"It's actually Jackqueline not like you would remember that as you have spent most of your life calling me Mom," She said.
"Actually I spent 10 out of the 18 years that you raised me calling you Mother," I said.
"I'd watch your tone young lady before your father gets up here," Mom said.
"Mrs. Kingston, it's so nice to meet you," Allie said.
"Hello you must be Ryleigh Amethyst's friends," My Mom said.
"It's just Riley now," I said.
"I refuse to use nicknames and you know that Ryleigh," She said.
"Yes Mother I know that," I said rolling my eyes.
"Is that Riley I hear," I heard and looked to see my dad.
"Hey Dad," I said.
"Brady let go of your sister," Dad said as my other brother Chris came in.
"Ry," Chris said rushing forward hugging me and Brady hugged me too.
"Christopher, Bradyn," Mom said and I rolled my eyes as they let go.
"Yes I was the one to call you Mother although you already knew that having the detectives find out where I called from," I said.
"Well you should not have called its been what 6 years since I've last seen you," She said.
"It's been 4 years Mother," I said.
"Riley be nice to your mother," Dad said.
"Mom it was just a harmless joke," Chris said.
"What are you going to be join the family disappointment because we can kick you out of all the media as easily as we did her," Mom said.
"Yeah because coming out to you at 11 and you hiding me from the media since then because you were ashamed of me totally worked Mother because now your a happy family with two teenage boys growing up in the business and the disappointment sister gets what she deserves... you know what Mom I'm glad that you raised me the way you did because I learned a lot and I'm proud of who I am and I'm so glad to have my loving Fiancé and friends with me," I said.
"Oh so you'd take these people over the ones who raised you for 18 years," Mom said.
"If that's what it comes down to then yes Mother because they actually support me other than you for hiding me away because you didn't want anyone to know that you have a gay daughter," I said.
"Wait... did you say Fiancé?!" Chris said.
"Oh yeah Chris, Brady, Dad, Mom I'd like for you to meet my Fiancé Mal Pugh," I said and Mal came up to my side and holding my hand.
"Who... proposed?" My Mom asked through gritted teeth.
"I did Mother," I said and she shook her head leaving the room.
"I can't believe your still not over this phase but your hurting your mother and once your over whatever this is come find us but until then don't," My Dad said walking away but turning back at the door after he didn't hear Bradyn and Chris following.
"You boys coming?" He asked.
"Give us a minute Dad," Bradyn said before Dad nodded and left.
"Congrats Big Sis!" Chris said running forward and hugging me.
"Thanks Chris, so glad to see that they haven't turned you guys on me yet," I said hugging my 14 year old brother.
"And they aren't going to Sis your always be our big sis who protected us from everything so we'll always love you," Bradyn said and he hugged me.
"I love you guys," I said.
"We love you too sis, now make sure you invite us to the wedding," Chris said and they both kissed my cheeks.
"I will guys now you should go before Mother gets even more angry because people know she's here," I said.
"Alright Bye Sis," They said leaving and I sighed closing the door before turning to face everyone.
"I didn't know that your parents are governors and also cofounded Adidas," Alex said.
"Yeah well not really much for talking about my parents when they don't like me very much and I wouldn't expect people to know when my parents sent me off to boarding school so people wouldn't know about me," I said.
"Why your parents seem so cool," Rose said.
"Yeah on the camera they are, they should have been actors they're so good at acting like they like people and lying," I said.
"You seem close with your brothers," Lindsey said.
"Yeah because luckily we were lucky enough to sneak off a lot to see each other, they always called me whenever we had time too although our parents would have been pissed if they knew their sons were hanging out with someone like me," I said.
"But your their daughter, and those are your brothers," Sam said.
"Well according to my Mother the day I became gay is the day I was no longer in the family so my brothers are really the only two I have that actually like me in my family," I said laying down on the bed trying to forget what just happened.
"Baby," Mal said putting a hand on my shoulder.
"I promise we can talk about it later... I... I just need some... time," I said looking up at her and the others were leaving and they closed the door behind them and Mal climbed into the bed laying on me cuddling into me.
"I love you so much baby," She said kissing my chin.
"I love you too babe," I said tightly wrapping my arms around her.
"Don't leave me..." I mumbled tears falling down my face and she looked up at me holding me tightly.
"Never baby, I'll be by your side for the rest of our lives," She said and we stayed like that before falling asleep.

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