Presston- The Parent's

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Julie's POV
When my parents told me that they had to talk with me Friday after school I was nervous and when the bell rang I got extra nervous as I put everything in my locker and I felt arms slide around my waist and I flinched a little bit.
"What's wrong baby?" Christen asked and I calmed down a little knowing it was my girlfriend.
"My parents told me this morning that we had to talk after school," I said turning to face her.
"I'm sure that it's nothing bad babe but I'll go with you if you need me to," She said and I smiled at her giving her a kiss.
"As much as I'd love that I think I'll be fine... can you drop me off and I'll call after," I said.
"Of course babe," She said smiling giving me a kiss before letting me jump on her back as she brought me to her jeep and I got into the passenger side and held her hand as she drove me home.

"Are you sure that you'll be ok?" She asked as she pulled into my driveway.
"Yeah, I'll call you later," I said pulling her into a passionate kiss before getting out of the car leaving her dazed.
"You'll be the death of me Julie Krieger-Harris," Christen said.
"I love you too babe, have fun with your little sister Ms. O'Hara-Solo," I said blowing her a kiss as she pulled out of the driveway and I looked at the house before walking in to see my parents at the table.
"Julie your home," Mom Ali said.
"Yeah... so what did you need to talk to me about?" I asked.
"Me and your Mom are going on a little trip for the weekend so you'll have the house to yourself because your little brother and your little sister are going to stay with your Uncle Kyle," Mom Ash said.
"Thank you Mom's, I love you and I promise to keep it clean," I said jumping up and hugging them.
"Bye sissy!" Rose and Matt said hugging me.
"Bye guys, I'll see you Sunday," I said as I waved to them all as they left.
After they were gone I called my girlfriend.

Julie- Hey baby
Christen- Hey babe, what's up Mal just layed down for a nap
Julie- My mom's are gone for the weekend and my little siblings went to our Uncle Kyle's
Christen- Oh really
Julie- Yeah... I was wondering if you could stay here this weekend so I'm not alone
Christen- Oh yeah, of course I will babe. I'll see you soon
Julie- See you soon baby, I love you
Christen- I love you too

When Chris got to my house I pulled her inside pushing her against the door and pressing myself up against her kissing her and sliding my tongue out and licking her bottom lip and she opened her mouth a little bit and I slid my tongue in and we fought for dominance and Christen flipped us and I gasped when my back hit the door and Christen moved down to my neck sucking on my g spot making me moan and Christen pulled away blushing.
"I'm so sorry babe... I got a little ahead of myself," Christen said but I held her against me not letting her get away.
"What if I wanted to get you into my bed," I said before pulling her into a kiss before she could say anything and I felt her hands move to the back of my thighs and she used the door to help lift me up and I wrapped my legs around her waist and tightened my grip around her shoulders as she to kissing my neck carrying me in the direction to the stairs towards my room.
When we got to the stairs Christen pulled away from my neck so she could see the stairs so neither of us got hurt so I went to her neck kissing her neck sucking on her gspot as we got into my room and she shut the door behind us as she carried me over to my bed and layed me down hovering over me as I continued kissing her neck until I felt her pin my hands above my head and I pulled away looking up at her.
"Are you sure?" She asked letting go of my hands and my hands went right to her waist.
"I am most definitely sure," I said grabbing the hem of her shirt pulling it over her head and she threw it off somewhere in the room before leaning down kissing me passionately as her hands went to the hem of my shirt as I ran my hands over the exposed skin and when we broke apart she pulled my shirt off with my help and threw it somewhere in direction her shirt went.
"Wow," Christen said staring at me and I blushed covering myself up with my arms.
"Babe your beautiful," She said leaning down kissing me passionately as her hands slid down my body.

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