Chapter 6

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Zephyr Woke up and slowly got up looking over she saw Carmina sitting by Unconscious Rhea. She limped over and saw her wolf form all bloodied and slightly burned. Zephyr looked over at the members of Eden " Who lit the flame!" She yelled Angrily "Who!" She exasperated  none of them responded she went back to Carmina and Rhea " Carmina you need to Carry her body and we can help her once we get back too New Eden."
Carrying Rhea's body back to New Eden they encountered highwaymen. "I'll handle this.." Heading into the camp she Slit the throat of a highwaymen standing beside the alarm. She destroyed the alarm unfortunately it got the others attention, quickly she was under fire. Hitting her onto the ground the Highwaymen lifted his Gun towards her face. She closed her Eyes *Bang* Carmina shot him from behind, his body fell to the ground. "Zephyr Are You Alright?" "I'm Fine, Where's Rhea?" "She's being watched by the Eden Members. "Come on let's Go!!" As they returned to the Others Rhea and the Eden Members Disappeared. No trace of where they went, "We need to get back to New Eden!!" Zephyr worried "Maybe they took her to get help?" Carmina questioned They Headed Back to New Eden. Ayla Headed Towards New Eden Nothing Stopped her, She was determined to find her child. After Several House Carmina and Zephyr returned to New Eden Greeted by the people they were Amazed and Grateful knowing Zephyr is the one to bring Joseph Back. Lead to a large Tent, Carmina waited outside. "Where is Rhea!!" Zephyr demanded "The Wolf was brought to us, she is worth More than you know." Zephyr was furious "Give Her Back To Me!!" "I will only give her to you if can prove of my Fathers Death, If You Fail I will Penetrate her with this substance Commonly Known as Bliss." He smiled Ethan revealed a Cage with Rhea laying beside in pain Rhea's mouth, and legs wrapped together. "Do this For Me and I'll give you back your "Friend". "Fail she will be turned into a beast, it's all up to You, Make The Call." Ethan smirked

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