I'm A Magical Santa Helper

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The next second went Godspeed.

The car swerved right—missing me by inches—then jumped the curb and sideswiped a streetlight. The heavy steel lantern cracked from its base and plummeted toward me.

God, this is not the time for a vibe check. I may seem cool but I was freaking the fuck out.

That's when brain went silent and instincts took over.

My hand shot into the air, my mind pulling strength from somewhere deep in my gut (that's super uncomfortable, might I add) and pushing it out through my fingertips. I felt the force hit the falling lantern, gripping on like it was an extension of my arm.

After pausing for a second, welcoming a death that I damn well knew would never come I had my first thought since running into the street.

I am fucking amazing.

The dust settled and even I was surprised at what I was doing.

"Put it down," that accented voice came and ended my two seconds of awesomeness. I jumped and dropped the light which then fell toward us.

"Watch out!" Fitz yanked me out of the way. My dude, did I say you can touch me? But I didn't become a pancake so I'll let it slide. I had the misfortune of falling onto his chest. He wasn't repulsive or anything, I'm just still suspicious of the guy. Can you blame me?

I scrambled to get up, curse my balance, and dusted off my clothes.

"How did you do that?" he asked, standing up.

"I have not one clue. Also, what the fuck were you thinking scaring me like that! I could've died, Weirdo." That is his nickname until I get answers.

"Sorry! I panicked, too! Just-" He glanced at the driver, who was staring like he just witnessed a miracle. I guess, in a way, he had. "We need to get out of here.

"Are you a kidnapper or something? I mean, cool. But you need to be clear."

"What? No! I'm-  Not here. I'll explain it, please, let's just run right now. And we will talk about your nonchalance towards kidnappers later." Bold of you to assume we'd talk later. He reached out to grab my hand. Obviously, I dodged, I can walk on my own.

He just turned around and led me down the sidewalk. 

"Which way?" He asked at an intersection. I don't want to be alone with a stranger because even though I have no sense of self preservation, I have basic life knowledge. So, I led us north, towards the San Diego Zoo. Lots of people and non-bug animals, it's a win-win.

We started running away from nothing and for probably the first time, I miss hearing thoughts. I have no idea what this guy wants and that scared me a little. Just a little.

I started to overthink. Most of my senarios involve government agents and being a lab rat. Which sounds cool not gonna lie but I felt a phantom pain in my forehead.

I'm ready to manifest Godspeed at first suspicious action.

When we reached the zoo's massive parking lot I let my shoulders relax seeing the people milling about around their cars. No (smart)kidnapper would act with so many witnesses! I slowed my pace to a walk.

"What do you want." That was kind of harsh, but now is not the time for simpathy.

"I'm here to help you, I promise." He sounds sincere, but so do people who want to bait you.

"Help? You're getting me a therapist?" Just kidding, there are people who need it way more than me.

"No," he drawled. He's already sick of me, I can feel it.

"Why were you looking for me?" I finally got a decent question out. Score.

He opened his mouth, then hesitated. "I'm not sure if I’m supposed to tell you."

"How am I supposed to trust you if you won't answer my questions?" This was getting frustrating.

He seems to be considering it. "Okay, fine,but I don’t know much. My father sent me to find you. We’ve been looking for a specific girl your age, and I was supposed to observe and report back to him, like always. I wasn’t supposed to talk to you." He frowned, like he's disappointed with himself. “I just couldn’t figure you out. You don’t make sense."

"I know I don't. But what do you mean by that, now?"

"It means you're... different from what I expected. You're eyes really through me off."

"Got a thing against brown eyes, pretty boy?"

"No, i-" he signed. I know I'm difficult; it's a defence mechanism. "You know, you and my best friend would really get along." I swear he ALMOST smirked. I wonder who the best friend is.

"Anyway, we all have blue eyes. So when I saw them, I figured we had the wrong girl again. But we didn’t." He looked at me with something like awe. "You’re really one of us."

I held my hands up. "Back the fuck up. What do you mean 'One of us'? And HOW do you all have blue eyes? That's bullshit!"

"You're pretty young to be cursing."

"Up shut. I know. That's what reading adults' minds does to you."

"Uh... sure?" He glanced over his shoulder, frowning when he spotted a crowd of fanny-pack-wearing tourists within earshot. He pulled me toward a deserted corner of the parking lot, ducking behind a dark green minivan.

"Woah, woah. I can walk."

"Sorry. Look, there's no easy way to explain this, so I'm just going to say it. We're not human, Sophie."

"Well, no shit. What are we? " I'll keep pretending I'm wasn't losing my shit.

"You took that suprisingly well," he said looking at me weird.

"I've heard worse." I shrug.

"Well, we're elves."


Yeah, cause no.

"I already told my sister that Santa wasn't real, got real shit for that one. Try again." Elves? No way. Where're my pointy ears then?

"I'm telling the truth." He sounded sincere but I'm not the best judge of character.

"Prove it!"

Fitz hesitated for a second. "Well... can humans to this?" He closed his eyes, vanishing for a second then became visable again.

"But, I can't do that," I felt the need to point out.

"You have no idea what you can't do when you put your mind to it. Think of what you did with the pole a few minutes ago."

I chuckled. "You make me sound like a stripper."

"Ack!" He went pink and mumbled, "Humans are so weird." I'd say I was making a good name for myself.

Considering the elf thing... He looked so sure about it but I don't know. It sounds crazy! Maybe he is a psychopath. But what else was there to believe at this point? The number of strange things I've done, slash, been in the middle of don't add up and at this point I'd take any explanation.

But... elves?

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