Goddammit, Forkle.

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So, yeah! Midterms started and let me just complain a little bit.

"What and why is a thinking cap and who's ancient ass do I have to kick for that shitty idea." Me and Dex were on our way to our first tests. We were going in the same general direction so we teamed for now prancing down the shimmery hallways.

Or at least I was; Dex was much calmer.

"That... is a great question. I literally have no idea." Dex's eyes widened in disbelief at himself. "They're supposed to stop Telepaths from cheating basically."


"Sophie," Dex groaned.

"Dex," I repeated with shit eating grin. "Wait, for real though. I have a plan and I need your help. Well—input."

Dex raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "Is it illegal?" he asked thought it came out as more a statement than a question.

"Bro, it should be. But no! It's perfectly legal... unless I'm right." I made a point of looking anywhere but Dex's face at that moment. "Let's call it a hunch, alright? Sir Astin is... strange." Understatement of the fucking year.

Dex stopped walking for a bit before running back up. "What you mean strange?"

"I feel like I know the guy but it's iffy. Call me weird but I'm almost sure I do." I've had this feeling for a while actually. Call me Detective Foster 'cause I'm gonna crack this case if it kills me!

I am about ninety percent sure that he's Mr. fuckin' Forkle.


I didn't explain who I thought he was to Dex but I gave him the general idea of what I'm gonna do. I can't keep shit from Dex so he knows I'm a Telepath. He totally freaked out at first, but he knows. IT WAS SO FUCKING RELIEVING!

"'Not illegal'? Sophie that is literally the fucking definition of illegal!"

"I'm rubbing off on you to much."

He grabbed onto my shoulders and shook me like I was losing my marbles. "Are you sure this is worth it? Nevermind, it's never worth it." He started pacing. "You know, you're going to be the death of me. I'll be an accomplice. Sophie, my siblings have not even gotten their abilities yet, I can't be exiled! I'd never survive Exillium!"



"Dex, I swear if anyone's getting exiled, it'd be me. Besides, pissing off Bronte is my favorite hobbie." And that's when Sophie knew she fucked up. My mind started racing.

Dex stopped his pacing to stare at me. "You personally know Councillor Bronte?"

"Of course not. How ridiculous is that." I laughed it off. That didn't stop Dex from staring suspiciously. "Anyways, reading one guy's mind isn't gonna kill me."

"You'll be exiled," Dex deadpanned, arms crossed. "And at least sent to Exillium. Many even locked up for life until you lose your mind. They might order a Memory Break!" Dex looked especially scared of that last one.

"What the fuck is a Memory Break?" I asked but I came out as more a statement than a question.

"When a probe shatters your sanity. Mostly when you've been deemed dangerous by the Council." He recited like reading out of a dictionary.

"That is messed up in so many ways. But I am willing to make that sacrifice!" I said, skipping my way to my Universe session a few doors down and pulling on my thinking cap; a cloth type of beany thing that supposedly blocks telepathy. "And, if I'm right, he's not gonna turn me in... probably."

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