Getting My Life Thrown Around Cheeeeeck!

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"I love doing things in the most complicated way possible but is this really necessary?" I said as the bubble floated in the clouds.

"No, but it's fun," Alden said with a smile. Is he trying to be quirky?

Floating above the world was doing something to me. It's like my adrenaline is slowly climbing, probably not a good thing because there are times when I'm hyperactive as fuck. Never a fun time for the people around me.

I made sure to tell God that it's not time for that vibe check.

Fitz asked if I was ready to go home. I mean obviously not but I nodded. I didn't trust that I could respond without some weird shit flying out of my mouth at the moment. He held up the Pathfinder, and a warm rush whisked us away.

"Let's not have this be a frequent thing. I'LL GO BLIND." I blocked the light out of my eyes. "I thought you meant my home but okay. I'm not complaining."

I was hoping that they were going to give me a believable lie to tell my parents 'cause no way they were letting me go to Fungus school. Let's be real.

Before I could say something stupid, a light flashed right in front of me. I need to sit in the dark for a few hours after this.

A tall elf in a simple black tunic strode toward us. His olive skin stood in sharp contrast to his pale blond hair, and while his face held youth. He looked like another ancient with those dark blue eyes.

"You've got some nerve summoning me," he shouted, stepping right into Alden's personal space. He was a couple of inches shorter than Alden, but he didn't seem the least bit intimidated by the height difference. Love that snark. "I'd sooner be exiled than train anyone in your family."

"You've got some nerve to assume I'm in their family. Sophie Foster. Hello. Let's skip the 'Oooh, brown eyes' conversation, please." All this social interaction is exhausting me.

I shocked blond guy out of his anger, the way he went suddenly silent.

Alden cleared his throat. "Yes, well, this is Tiergan. Your, hopefully, new telepathy mentor." He threw a meaningful look towards Tiergan.

"She's the one Prentice was hiding." He mumbled.

"WHO is Prentice? I keep hearing this name but no one is explaining." Tell me you wouldn't be frustrated.

"Yes," Alden agreed. IGNORING ME. "She's been living with humans for the past twelve years. And sorry Sophie, Prentice is classified information." I want to bang my head on the metal gate.

Fitz wasn't being any help either. I knew better than to press it 'cause the conversation would just stretch on.

I faintly heard Alden explaining to Tiergan that I'm the 'most talented telepath ever' and he just had to train me. He started explaining all my feats and I swear the man was all but begging on the ground.

Anger and resentment danced across Tiergan's features, so the last thing I expected was for him to nod. Are they all this easy to persuade? Useful info. I took a mental note.

Maybe, I'm missing something.

"Yes, okay. But only for this year. That will be more than enough to hone her abilities. Then you leave me alone and never ask for my assistance again."

"Yessir!" I saluted half-heartedly. Just let me leave, please. Teirgan inspected me.

"You have an interesting wardrobe."

"Well, the one offered was trash so I had to cope."

Tiergan looked like he almost smiled. "You have a choice, you know." I tilted my head, confused. "You get to decide if you want to get better at Telepathy."

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