Did I Die? No. But I'm Not Taking Any Chances.

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Hey hoes! Sophie here. It's been a hot minute and shit happened but we'll get into that in a second.

Other than the 'amazing' classes, Elwin's reign of terror every time he got to chose the flavor for the locker strips and the shit I pull once a week (okay maybe more) with Keefe, I'd say Foxfire had been pretty boring. The highlight of the last— what? Month?—was me hooking up my phone to the speaker system and playing I'll Sleep When I'm Dead (my anthem) at one hundred volume during study hall.

Elves and music don't really mash that well but I will fix that!

Wait. I was wrong. BIANA invited me over!

I was chasing the taste of Elwin's horrible pick for the locker strips with a piece Prattles that Dex gave me. Awesome snack by the way! Like caramel and peanut butter had a delicious cream-filled baby. He also gave me the Unicorn oin he got in there! Shiny and silver with a black mane and on the back was this tiny screen reading: #122 of 185.

Which I know now, is the relects the exact fucking number of of them left on the planet. This was depressing news.


Out of fucking no where it was like a set up, I swear (after ghosting someone for two months people tend to think you hate them) and I did ask but she promised it wasn't so who am I to turn her down? Della makes killer food. Plus I promised Dex all the details.

And this is the part where I discovered I was not getting rid of this pest of mine.


"Hey," Biana said as soon as she opened the gates of Everglen. "You made it."

"Of course," I made sure to give here a little m smile because she looks worried and, as I've said before, I'm not a monster.

...To innocent people.

I noticed she was dressed casually—thank god. The mental fight on if my yellow tunic was a appropriate for the occasion paid off for sure. Biana being Biana still made me feel underdressed with her turquoise tunic with pink beaded flowers embroidered around the edges and a pink satin sash. I see a theme here.

It was silent for a few seconds—crickets would probably be chirping if this were a Disney show— until I couldn't take it anymore.

"So," I hummed. "What are we doing?" Literally all I could come up with. I'm not a magician.

She seemed to think for a minute. "How about makeovers?" She got excited before I could stop her. "I have all the serums to change our hair color, and we can try on some of my mom’s gowns!"

"I think I'd rather-" And then the pest came everyone! Pest in an affectionate way of course. Maybe.

"Makeovers?" Keefe scoffed behind them. "You guys sure know how to have fun. Maybe you can braid each other’s hair and giggle about boys while you’re at it." I almost laughed, I can't lie.

"And here I thought you'd love getting your hair done and nails painted." I pouted for extra effect.

Keefe grinned. "You know you're not wrong" He put on a thinking face. "Might just join you! We could get the dirt on Foster, find out who makes her heart go pitter-patter."

I coughed. "Man, fuck relationships. They're so-" I made unreadable gestures with my hands and hoped they'd get the point. Looks like he did 'cause he laughed. "But now that I think about it..." I turned to Biana and whispered an idea to her.

Felt like I struck a chord because her eyes lit up. Almost immediately she warped straight back to her poker face. "So, guys," she said in an overly cheery voice. The tone would drip with sugar if it was a pastry. "What'd you come for."

"I don't like the way you said that," Fitz groaned.

"Don't worry about it, sweet brother of mine." That felt like it hurt to say.


"We came to ask if you wanted to play Base Quest," Keefe spoke up because Fitz was busy dodging Biana.

I was leaning against a wall 'cause I've been standing for longer than I have the physical energy to and I felt like my legs were about to fucking drop off. "That some kind of elfy garden game?"

Keefe snickered. "Basically, except it's the most awesome game ever!" He grabbed my hand, almost making me fall. Walls aren't so trustworthy. "I call Foster for my team!"

"I think anyone would want Sophie on their team," Fitz said. Your smooth words are no match for me!

"But, of course. I'm just that amazing and apparently no one can help but fall in love with me," I said sarcastically, shrugging away from Keefe. Fake it 'til you believe it is my life motto.

Biana raised an eyebrow. "I know you're joking-"


"-but now I'm tempted to make you sit through an intense makeover. Everyone'd be drooling by the end of it." I think I just got myself into some shit I won't have any control over. The stars in Biana's eyes scare me almost more than when I forget to leave the bedroom door open for Marty on a school day. Take it from me: that shit is terrifying.

I threw my hands up in defeat. "Let's not get carried away now. Aren't we gonna play Blade Quest or whatever? Let's think about that!" She pouted.

Don't to this to me.

"It's Base Quest." Fitz laughed.

"I can't tell if I'd like to see what Biana planning or how you're going to clear us at Base Quest on your first try," Keefe hummed.

This reputation just got a little tricky to keep. NONTHELESS, I WILL UPHOLD IT!

So a breakdown on Base Quest—not Blade Quest; there are no weapons. Apparently elves are sensitive like that—One team guards their base while the other team launchs a raid. If the questers made it to the base without getting tagged, they win! Simple enough right? WRONG!

"—light leaping isn't allowed but special abilities are," Fitz just finished explaining. Saying the last part while eyeing me like it was for my benefit. "We'll play boys against girls to be fair." Let's Saiki K. this bitch!

"Wait... Sophie and I don't have abilities though." Biana pointed out.

"Even better if we win," I nudged her. "I'm holding this over your head!" I said to Keefe. He just smirked in amusement so I stuck out my tongue. I'm so mature!

Beside me Biana was filled with newfound confidence. As we should!

"Let the games begin?" Keefe looked excited. I grinned. Dex will feel sick when he finds out he missed this.

"Let the games begin!" I leaned toward Biana and whispered, "And then, let the fun begin."

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