Potential (To Be A Hot Mess)

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- will edit later! hi gays

Terik isn't freaking me out. He's not. Nope.

We were sitting across from each other in some very comfortable armchairs. "Did Alden tell you why you're here?" he finally asked.

"Whew, I really thought you were just going to sit there staring at me but no—he just interrupted my conv'o, asked me a bunch of questions and then dumped me off." Seems to be his favourite thing to do. Even if—dare I say—I was definitely right about the shit I was spewing.

You know, for such a straight forward person, I've really been taking to much bullshit lately. That might be due to my sudden habitat change but let's be subdued no more!

"So I take it you don't know what a Descryer does?" he asked, pulling me out of my internal monologue. I shook my head.

"Uh..." Now, I could have pulled a Galvin on him and say that, hello, I'm new here, but I have no reason to get on another Councillor's bad side just yet. "Nope."

He looks a little too happy at that. "How refreshing, honestly. It means I can sense potential."

Two minutes of mad witch cackling from me ensued. I assure you it was completely warrented if you think like me. "Wait, wait," I said when I finally calmed down. Terik was patient at least. "How do you deal with these guys always asking you to check their kids. I'm suprised there isn't a line at the door."

Terik laughed. "Some decades ago, you wouldn't believe some of them were the highest ranking nobles. So, I stopped taking readings."

"And you didn't get crucified?" Parents are crazy, man.

"Still standing for now. Anyway, let's proceed, shall we?" He held out his hands.

I've noticed that elves are literally fucking fearless. The have no fear of diseases and shit and honestly? That's intimidating. No slightly sane being goes around licking things other people have probably licked and touching random people they've never met.

Respect, but also, ew.

But alas, I couldn't just leave him hanging: I took his hand.

Terik is sizing up to be one of my favourite people. One: the first thing he said as he allegedly read my potential was, "Well, fuck." This man doesn't really think—he just does. And good for him! We really need more people like him, me, Dex and Keefe in the world. Honorable mention for Elwin (the rare thinker of the bunch).

We make shit interesting.

"'Fuck'? 'Fuck' what?" I almost laughed. Almost. If it wasn't for the 327 seconds of silent treatment until he spoke again, I'd be on the floor.

Terik opened his eyes and stood. "That was new."

"That seems to be the trend since I got here."

He laughed. "Your situation isn't exactly an everyday thing. Although, I did feel something—something strong—I had no idea what it was."

"It's my hot mess of a human—sorry—elf soul shining through," I said, honestly. "I apologize on it's behalf!" No, I don't; I'm very proud of it.

The rude ass—I mean, Alden apparently made his round and came back, about to knock the door as Terik opened it. My only question is how he knew he was there.

And how do I do that.

Imagine it. Subtly fucking with people's brains by open your door right as they're about to knock. Personally, I would have a heart attack and I would love to subject other people to that brain blender! A little psychological warfare is good for the soul. Mr. Forkle would agree.

Alden didn't look phased though. "How'd it go?" he asked.

"Interesting," Terik said, simply, not betraying any more information. Which, for me, is good. I want Alden to think I'm a fully functional being for a while longer!

Terik didn't say anything as we left; he just stood there thinking. Honestly, that happens to what me too. Second favourite councillor! Hands down!

When we got back to Havenfield, Alden handed me a wrapped parcel. I was excited because WOO! PRESENTS AND NEW PERSONAL ITEMS!

Now imagine a sad little girl getting socks for Christmas when I opened it to find a silver bird etched into the cover of a glittery teal-

"It's a book," I deadpanned. "What's there to 'keep'? I mean it's pretty but it's an empty notebook—I'm not exactly the artistic type in case you haven't-"

"It's a memory log," Alden cut of my unimpressed word vomit. "Tiergan thought you how to project right?"



I'm going to have so much fun with this.

I had to physically fist-fight the smile off of my face. I opted to nod instead of saying something in response in case my Disney  Witch Roleplay decided to make a comeback. 

Alden was not impressed the first time, the buzzkill.

They want me to record everything. Even the nightmares. Though, heaven forbid I actually listen to anything these people tell me, I'm going to get a good amount of meme-worthy real-life-screenshots anything I could get my sight on.

"You get nightmares?" Okaaaaaay. We're dialling it back to the nightmares.

"Fires. My family. You know the drill." But the nightmares aren't the point,

"Sophie, you're family is fine." I know you're trying to be reassuring, but unlucky for you I have proof and receipts. I dug out my—now rarely used during the day—phone and opened the news.

"Alden. Lovely, helpful, oddly paternal and not in a 100% good way, Alden," I started, hoping I came off as condescending. "This is why you people need the internet. See that?" I showed him the screen. "That's San Diego, three hours ago, and I, personally, am seeing a lot of fire. Weirdly organized fire, but you can see that. It looks like-"

"A swan's neck," Alden groaned. "I'll mention it to the council, I promise. But for now I think I should tell you not to mention your nightmares to Grady and Edaline." Is that really our greatest concern at the moment? "It's how Jolie..."

Oh. That's awkward.

"Uh, 'kay. I won't mention them." I said, uncharacteristicly serious for me. Although, I'm interested in this Jolie story. There are plot holes. He also explained how death isn't a common thing here. So, yes, I see how actually losing someone would be almost impossible just get used to. "The fires, though-"

"I'll deal with it." You better. "Don't forget the memory log. I'll be checking it regularly," was the last thing he said before he left.

I got to work projecting those nightmare right away. Of course, if I didn't do it then, I would have never got to it. Priorities! Seeing as they were fucking nightmares, it was not fun to relive having my family burned alive in our- their house and it made me feel quite emo. 

For a boost of serotonin, I got out my old scrapbook. Edaline came in to tell me dinner was ready and I may or may not have reacted badly when she reached out to be in an attempt of comfort and fucked up our budding relationship even more. Great!

But that's the least of my worries now. Smack-dab in the center of the cover of the scrapbook, a cute, little me was building a sand castle.

A very familiar sand castle.

Almost like I saw it today.

Because it looked exactly like fucking Eternalia.

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