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    Oikawa was hungry so he went to bother Iwaizumi like the annoying little brat he is.

    "He Iwa-chan, I'm hungry do you have any snacks? A banana for chance? They have a lot of nutrients"

    "Why are you asking me? Go buy some yourself" Iwaizumi said

     "Awh come on, don't you have some for your very own boyfriend?

     "You didn't have to point that out but fine, here" Iwaizumi handed him a banana and gave him a kiss on the forehead

     "I know you love me" Oikawa said with a smirk

     Oikawa ate the banana like a monkey and slurped down his water like an animal. A couple hours later practice was over and and him with Iwaizumi walked out of the gym and made their way home. While walking one of Oikawas annoying little fangirls went up to them.

    "H-h-hey Oikawa uwu, d-d-do you want t-t-to have dinner with me?" The stupid brat said

    "No thanks, I'm going over to my boyfriend house to have dinner, I'm surprised you didn't know I had one" Oikawa answered

     "O-o-okay..." The dumb bitch ran away crying to her stupid bestfriend

     "Awh she's crying, oh well, come on babe let's go" they walked away

    When they were walking suddenly the stupid little brat fangirl ran up to Toru and Iwaizumi and punched them with all her might. She was possessed by the spirit of caca. The caca spirit hated all couples and when the spirit got rejected the demon attacked. The brat punched and kicked. Iwaizumi had enough of her hurting his boyfriend, although Oikawa was annoying he loved him. Iwa-chan got up and held the bitch back so Oikawa can stand up. He had a bloody nose and looked like the idiot he is. To get the caca spirit out you have to either bully or reason with it. Oikawa choose to reason.

    "Hey calm down now, no need to get all worked up" Oikawa said calmly

    Iwaizumi didn't want to reason with the demon so he bullied it out of the girls asshole, it was a caca demon after all.

    "You little twink, how dare you attack us, you are pathetic and dumb. You probably google how to kiss someone. You probably are built like a refrigerator. You have no common sense, you can't just go around attacking people because you're pathetic and can't find love, you're dead after all" Iwaizumi didn't mean all these things, he actually felt sympathy for the caca spirit, he just wanted to see what would happen if he bullied it.

    "Hey, what are you doing? That was a bit harsh, don't you think?"

    Before Iwa-chan could answer the demon came out of the fangirls body and went away crying. The couple looked at eachother in shock. Then the fangirl woke up.

    "S-s-senpai, what h-h-happened? Uwu I'm so small and petite, I don't remember anything" the dumb girl said

    "It's nothing you need to worry about" Oikawa said

    Oikawa still had a bloody nose with his lip bleeding and a bruise on his cheek. The girl got up and said okay and ran off. The couple was finally able to go home.

    At Iwaizumi's house they ate dinner and Oikawa stayed the night.

    "Hey Iwa-chan, aren't we going against Kurasano tomorrow? We'll have to drive there in a bus, I hope it isn't that far away" Oikawa said

    "Uh yea...we are, I heard there is a new girl on the team, her name was Peppa I think, she is the medical assistant or something" Iwaizumi said

    "Oh yea, I heard about that, I wonder what she looks like. Also people have been saying she's really pretty."

    Iwaizumi stared at Oikawa

    "Haha don't worry, I would never leave you. I love you" Oikawa chuckled

    The couple got ready for bed, they were really tired, after all they did fight the spirit of caca. Iwaizumi got in bed laying flat down. Oikawa smirked and cannon balled onto the bed and was annoying. Iwaizumi fell off and was annoyed at first but then started laughing. Oikawa laughed with him as he got back on the bed. Iwaizumi got back onto the same position as Oikawa layer his head on his chest as Iwa-chan holds him in his arms. Oikawa fell asleep as Iwaizumi said;

    "I love you"

(AN, Hey guys, as you can tell I hate Oikawa, he's dumb but stan Peppa 🐷)

Oikawa x Peppa Pig- A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now