wanna be yours [ norenminhyuck ]

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there's a dance at jeno's college and his crush renjun is acting strange. he runs from the main room and jeno follows along with donghyuck. they find renjun in the bathroom, but not how they thought.


The dance pulled around and Jeno's mother bought him a black button-down and matching dress pants. She grumbled slightly as he was probably going to wear it a few times before it sat in a pial at the back of his closet.

The dance night pulled around and he got ready. He didn't have a date because everyone was just going with friends. He knew that Renjun even invited Donghyuck.

He pulled his clothes on as Jisung burst into his room. "Looking pretty sexy," he said with a joking wink before running.

As he left his dorm, he watched as most of his class and friends walked by and down the hall to the elevator. He noticed Renjun and couldn't help but notice how good he looked in his silk black blouse and high-waisted black pants. He was talking to Donghyuck and giggled every so often.

Hyunjin was there as well, she looked pretty, a light pink lace dress and some of her hair pulled back. Her cheeks were dusted with a slight pink and her lips glossed over. He waited with them at the elevator, silently listening to their conversation.

The elevator doors opened and they all walked into it. Renjun finally noticed Donghyuck and gave him a small smile before his cheeks lit up with a small pink.

At some point in the walk across campus, Renjun left them without warning. No one really noticed until they walked into the building that's hallways were decorated with hanging lights and balloons.

Where'd he go, Jeno thought as they walked into the main area where tons of others were already, cultivating among each other. Suddenly Renjun appeared at his side. His face was even more flushed than before. His blouse's collar was wonky and his shirt was out of place slightly. His hair was seemingly messier than before and his soft pink lips were slightly bruised.

He twitched around, jumping up from where he sat as Donghyuck walked through the door. Renjun's face lit up slightly, burning at the other.

His body was trembling ever so slightly, and Jeno could tell even as he dashed across the room. Sitting down next to the other.

As he talked to the newly arrived, his small hands gripped his pants, letting go just to grip again, but harder. A red flush crawled up his neck, his eyes got hazy. What was wrong with him?

The music in the room changed and Renjun stood up. His legs were shaking as he grabbed Donghyuck's hand.

They made their way over to the dance floor. They danced on the edge, swaying together at the medium-paced music. Talking and laughing with each other.

Jeno could feel eyes on him. He turned, taking his eyes off of Renjun, and looked down slightly to see Hyunjin.

"What," he asked with a slightly harsh tone that he didn't mean. He really liked her but Renjun was the center of his small worlds currently.

"Jeno, would you dance with me," Hyunjin asked with a small stutter. She looked nice in her dress and her hair was pretty as it fell down her back with a few small braids.

"Yeah,, why not?" he responded and pulled them to the floor, they hugged him as they rocked to the music.. Jeno's eyes found Renjun's again though and soon focused back on him.

He could see tears glimmering in the dance's lights. Renjun was crying.. the Donghyuck held him, petting his hair. Then suddenly he stopped.. his hand pausing.. Renjun's hand covered his mouth as he ran out of the room.. the other following close behind.

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